TopSCHOLAR(tm): Discover It Today!

The rapidly growing research and creative activity database of Western Kentucky University, TopSCHOLAR(tm) is a key intellectual resource for faculty and student research and publications. Do you know the names of Coach Diddle’s and Ivan Wilson’s dogs? Do you know the history of women’s sports at WKU? Have you heard of Veteran’s Village or Ogden College for Young Men? Are you needing to do a paper on architecture on campus and want to find “Building on the Hill.” Click on, enter a search term, and you will find a wealth of information from student theses and award-winning papers, music basics as podcasts, diaries, letters, photographs, and the recent presidential convocation address and WKU’s vision for the future.
TopSCHOLAR(tm): The Research and Creative Activity Database of Western Kentucky University. You provide the content. TopSCHOLAR is the container.
For information, contact Connie Foster at, or call 745-6151.

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