Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee
On July 14, 2015 Harper Lee’s much anticipated and controversial novel Go Set a Watchman came out in bookstores. The author of the American classic To Kill a Mockingbird wrote Watchman prior to Mockingbird. The new novel follows Mockingbird’s narrator Jean Louise “Scout” Finch some twenty years later as she returns home to Maycomb, Alabama changed by postwar industrialism and especially tense amid the Civil Rights era. Watchman has stirred considerable controversy as readers speculate the reasons for its publication so late in Lee’s life – 55 years after her first novel – and critics debate the novel’s quality and whether it should be viewed as a manuscript for To Kill a Mockingbird, its sequel, or a separate work in its own right.

To Kill a Mockingbird 1962 movie of Harper Lee’s classic novel
Go Set a Watchman (PS3562 .E353 G6 2015, Leisure Reading Collection) is already the bestselling novel of 2015 and has also prompted a renewed interest in the earlier work To Kill a Mockingbird (PS3562 .E35x T6, Cravens 8th floor) and the movie (VR10708, VPAL). To find out more about the author, see: The Mockingbird Next Door: Life with Harper Lee by Marja Mills (PS3562 .E353 Z75 2014, WKU Leisure Books), Harper Lee: A Twentieth-Century Life by Kerry Madden (PS3562 .E353 Z76 2009, ERC), On Harper Lee: Essays and Reflections by Alice Hall Petry (PS3562 .E353 Z87 2006), and Mockingbird: A Portrait of Harper Lee by Charles J. Shields (PS3562 .E353 Z87 2006).