Monthly Archives: September 2007

Kentucky Live!: Floral Design in Kentucky & Abroad

Roger Dennis at WKU Libraries' Kentucky Live! programOn Thursday September 13, 2007 at 7:00 pm, Kentucky Live! program, organized by the WKU Libraries presented WKU horticulture and floral-design instructor Roger Dennis at Barnes & Noble Booksellers. This event is free.

Dennis was a floral designer for the 79th Annual Academy Awards and a designer for floats at the Rose Bowl. He also designed a flower arrangement for inauguration of George W. Bush in 2005. He has been teaching at WKU for six years, and in that time has seen interest in floral design classes grow.

If you missed out his talk, you may view a photo album of the event on Flickr or listen to the podcast of his talk on the go.

You are also welcome to Roger Dennis video on YouTube: WKU Professor walks the Red Carpet- View from the Hill

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Children’s Author Madeleine L’Engle Passes Away

L’Engle, who made the words “mitochondria” and “tesseract” household words for millions of children, died September 6, 2007 at the age of 88. The New York Times obituary observed that L’Engle, “who in writing more than 60 books, including childhood fables, religious meditations, and science fiction, weaved emotional tapestries transcending genre and generation.”

A Wrickle in TimeWikipedia’s entry on L’Engle provides an interesting explanation of how her “best-known works are divided between ‘chronos‘ and ‘kairos‘; The former is the framework in which the stories of the Austin family take place, and is presented in a primarily realistic setting, though occasionally with elements that might be regarded as science fiction. Arm StarfishThe latter is the framework in which the stories of the Murry and O’Keefe families take place, and is presented sometimes in a realistic setting and sometimes in a more fantastic or magical milieu.”

L’Engle is best-known for her children’s books, some of which include the best known A Wrinkle in Time (1962; Newbery Award Winner), and other adventures featuring the engaging and lively Murry, O’Keefe, and Austin characters: Meet the Austins (1960), The Arm of the Starfish (1965), the Young Unicorns (1968), A Wind in the Door (1973), A Swiftly Tilting Planet (1978), and A Ring of Endless Light (1980; Newbery Honor Book).
Ring Endless Light

The Educational Resources Center (ERC), 366 Tate Page Hall, has many of L’Engle’s most popular children’s titles including the recent DVD release of A Wrinkle in Time. Madeleine L’Engle will be missed by generations of children and adults who loved her work.

(Photo of Madeleine L’Engle from Random House; book covers from Wikipedia.)

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The Greenhouse Poetry Inc. Performed at Java City

The Greenhouse Poetry Inc. performed at Java CityThe Greenhouse Poetry Inc. performed at Java City at noon on August 30th. Greenhouse Poetry Inc. is a community based nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a permanent stage for performance poetry by sharing local performers and their writings with the world. They have a loyal, local following and drew a crowd of around 100 faculty, staff and students with their spirited readings. View a photo album of the event.

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Morning at the Museum

Design with Wiilie Rascoe

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Design a Driftwood Sculpture with Willie Rascoe

Design with Wiilie Rascoe

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Acoustic/Pop Artist Bo Warren to Performed Outside Java City

Bo WarrenAcoustic/pop artist Bo Warren performed at Java City in Helm Library at noon on September 4, 2007.

See photos of the event or hear a sample of Warren’s music at:

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