After 22 years of dedicated service with the Department of Library Public Services, WKU, Dr. Gay Perkins is beginning a new chapter in her life: retirement. Employees of the WKU Libraries gathered today in Room 100 of Cravens Library to celebrate her achievements. She has really been an achiever. She had already served on 26 Task Forces and Committees by the time she was promoted to Associate Professor in 1994, including two terms on the University Graduate Fellowship Committee and on the Advisory Committee to the Vice-President. By 2002 when she was promoted to Professor she had won the UL Research and Creativity Award in 2001, been published in the profession’s leading research journal, helped found and edit the award winning The Western Scholar, and masterminded the University Libraries first “Client Survey.” Dr. Perkins has been an inspiration for all of us, and her departure will be greatly missed. But we sincerely wish that as she enjoys her retired life, she map out a strategy chocked full of new adventures.
WKU Libraries Celebrated Dr. Gay Perkins’ Retirement
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