The Friday weekend edition of the China Daily (U.S.A.) is now part of WKU Libraries’ print newspaper subscriptions. The newspaper, a full-color, English language publication, offers news on Chinese business, politics, culture, sports, technology, and a host of other newsworthy topics. Analysis on economics, trade issues, military issues, foreign affairs, and many other spheres of interest are also part of the content. Readers are welcome to submit comments to opinion@chinadaily.com.cn or letters@chinadaily.com.cn or to specific columnists for the paper.
As part of WKU Libraries’ efforts to expand newspaper holdings dealing with international matters, the China Daily is a welcome addition to our international newspaper subscription portfolio. The WKU community has a growing international presence both here and abroad, as evidenced by growing numbers of students from China and other countries, as well as a vigorous program of travel and study beyond American borders.
The China Daily, other international newspapers, and national, state, and local papers can be found on Helm Library 2nd floor. The most recent edition of any print newspaper to which we subscribe can be found in the plastic display towers next to the periodicals help desk, near the center of the floor. Older editions of our newspapers can be found in the orange hanging folders, located in the northeastern corner of the floor, adjacent to the computer lab. Restricted access newspapers (the Courier Journal, Wall Street Journal, Park City Daily News, and The Tennessean) are in Helm office 204, which is near the older editions collection.