On September 30 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. share a story or two about your favorite quilt or quilter and display up to two quilts at the Kentucky Library and Museum. This event is part of the activities offered in conjunction with the Nature’s Bounty: Quilts and More. Information about the Quilt Show and Tell.
Category Archives: General
Fall Break Art Camp October 9-13
Enroll your child, grandchild, or niece or nephew in the KYLM Fall Break Arts Day Camp. The camp is designed for children in grades 1-6. The cost for camp is $100 per week, Monday – Friday 8:00 – 12:00. Library and Museum Associates receive a 15% discount.
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WKU Writing Center Hours in Helm Library
The Writing Center’s tutors (English Department graduate students) work with students individually on their writing. Helm Library (Reference Room) is still one of the center’s locations. Its hours are Wednesdays 2:00-8:00. Other locations and hours are:
Cherry Hall 123 Monday – Thursday 10:00-2:00 and Friday 10:00-1:00
The Learning Center (DUC Annex A330) Monday-Wednesday 12:00-4:00 and Thursday & Sunday 4:00-8:00.
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Fall Break Arts Day Camp
Join us for KYLM Fall Break Arts Day Camp. The camp is designed for children in grades 1-6. The cost for camp is $100 for the week, Monday – Friday (October 9-13), 8:00 – 12:00. Library and Museum Associates receive a 15% discount.
Campers will enjoy a variety of art activities including block printing, weaving, dyeing, marbleizing, and collage. They will explore Kentucky Museum exhibits and take a daily snack break in the Museum courtyard. KYLM Artist in Residence, Lynne Ferguson, will direct the camp.
Space is limited so please register today by calling Lynne Ferguson (270-745-2594) lynne.ferguson@wku.edu or Christy Spurlock, Education Curator (270-745-6082) christy.spurlock@wku.edu. To download a registration form, visit www.wku.edu/library/kylm/education/fall_camp.html
Library Acquires Videos from Online Media Library in Academic Technology
Over the summer the WKU Libraries acquired all of the videos from Academic Technology in Tate Page Hall (referred to as Online Media Library, or way back as Third District Film Library). We are in the process of adding these titles to our collection. The videotapes are frequently requested, and we have made arrangements for additional staffing to expedite assimilating the titles into the Main Library collection.
If you need one that is not currently available via TOPCAT through normal check-out procedures at the Circulation Desk, we would appreciate having at least 48 hours’ notice so that we can process the video and any supporting materials for class use. We can locate with the identification number used by Academic Technology to speed the process and make these media readily available. We know that many titles are heavily used and that faculty depend on these for enhancing classroom instruction.
The Circulation Desk can take the requested video number and we will work with them to process it for you.
Thanks for your understanding and help in this transition.
Connie Foster, Head
Library Technical Services
September 6, 2006
Quilt Workshop on September 9
Looking for a project you can do with a grandchild or niece or nephew? Learn how to make a Scotty dog pillow top. The workshop is scheduled for 9:30 to 12:00 on Saturday, September 9 at the Kentucky Library and Museum.
For more information about this program or the Nature’s Bounty: Quilts and More exhibit, call 270-745-2592 or visit the exhibit web site.
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Kentucky Museum STORE Temporary Closing
The Kentucky Museum Store will be closed September 5th through September 8th for a few renovations.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but please come visit us afterwards.
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Leisure Films Collection
Two years ago the libraries established a Foreign and Independent Films Committee to select DVD’s for our Leisure Films Collection.
Since that time the collection has grown to include more than 4,000 films in 44 different languages, and is the largest collection of its kind in the region. While 83% of the collection (3,464 DVD’s) is in English, the collection includes 166 films in French, 103 in Spanish, 80 in Italian, 57 in German, 56 in Hindi, 40 in Japanese, 32 in Chinese, and 29 in Russian. These were checked out more than 14,000 times last year.
The collection is located near the Cravens Library 4th Floor entrance.
DVD’s can be checked out for one week.
Some of the titles currently offered in the collection include:
The Way We Laughed
A story told in six separate days, between 1958 and 1964, about the lives of two Sicilian brothers. Giovanni, illiterate and hard working, arrives in Turin where young Pietro studies. Giovanni sacrifices so Pietro can become a teacher. But Pietro doesn’t really want to be a teacher, and isn’t much of a student. Winner of the prestigious Golden Lion award at the 1998 Venice Film Festival, The Way We Laughed is a richly layered drama from Gianni Amelio, the acclaimed director of the multiple-award-winning 1995 arthouse hit Lamerica.
Tous les Matins du Monde (All the Mornings of the World )
It’s late 17th century. The viola player Monsieur de Sainte Colombe comes home to find that his
wife died while he was away. In his grief he builds a small house in his garden into which he moves to dedicate his life to music and his two young daughters Madeleine and Toinette, avoiding the outside world. Rumor about him and his music is widespread, and even reaches to the court of Louis XIV, who wants him at his court, but Monsieur de Sainte Colombe refuses. One day a young man, Marin Marais, comes to see him with a request, he wants to be taught how to play the viol. The story is slow-paced and lovingly-shot, and deals with love, talent and labour being lost on the road to fame and fortune in the big city. Even in the seventeenth century, musicians sold out and left emotional wreckage behind.
Xiao cheng zhi chun (Springtime in a Small Town)
Set in the aftermath of the Second World War, in a small town that has been systematically bombed and now mostly in ruins. In a run down old house lives a husband, Liyan with a mysterious ailment, his young sister, and a wife, Yuwen, unsure of what she is looking for in life, certain only that she hasn’t found it yet, and an old manservant. Into this mix comes a doctor from the big city, visiting his old friend, Liyan. Upon arriving he is surprised to discover him married to his childhood sweetheart, the luminescent Yuwen.
Virtual Reference Service
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WILLS (Western’s Interactive Live Library Service) allows you to obtain help from a trained reference specialist via Live Chat or E-Mail. WILLS is available Monday – Thursday, 6-10 p.m. Central time. (Holiday & Interim hours vary.)
Click to ask a question on WILLS
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Best Reference Books of 2005
Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan. Univ. of Regina, Canadian Plains Research Ctr. 1071p. illus. maps. index. ISBN 0-88977-175-8. $125.
Cravens Reference: F1071 .E53 2005
As befits the centennial of Saskatchewan’s entry as a Canadian province, Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan is the single largest publishing project in the province’s history. With contributions from more than 800 writers, it features 2300 pieces that cover all aspects of life and subjects like aboriginal peoples, geography, history, social policy, sports and women. There are over 1,000 charts, graphs, maps, tables and many stunning photographs. Already the winner of multuple awards in its home province, hopefully it will stimulate other provincial reference sources.