Category Archives: Latest News

WKU Libraries’ announcement of coming events and new collections.

“Hidden Waters: Dragons in the Deep” Exhibit in Helm Library

Karst landscape of Yunnan, ChinaCome to see gorgeous photos of South China displayed in Room 100, Helm Library. Turn right as you come in from the Java City.

An introduction to the exhibit says it all: “The vast yet inaccessible underground waters in southeast Yunnan Province represent the front lines of China’s fresh water crisis. Two openings in the earth, the Shi Dong and Nan Dong caves, where the Yang Liu River slips into and out of the shadows, mark the point where a fluvial region rich with surface streams meets an unusual geologic formation of soluble rock layers known as karst landscape. It is also a fateful human dividing line, a place where China’s challenges with water scarcity, land management, and pollution come into clear focus.”

The photographs are taken by J. Carl Ganter, and the exhibit is made possible by the support of USAID, the ENVIRON Foundation and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Photographs and Multimedia


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Benyaro at Java City

Brooklyn based duo Benyaro performas at Java CityUnder beautiful skies in Bowling Green on Wednesday, New York folk band Benyaro entertained a large crowd at Java City with their hard driving sound.  What a Spring we’ve had, great music and beautiful days.  All good things must come to an end though, the Spring 2010 concert series is no exception.  Join us next week for the final concert of the semester featuring Nashville rock & rollers Stickman.  More about their music can be found at


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Busy week at WKU Libraries

On Friday, the KY Writers Conference returned to South Campus.  The conference offered a variety of sessions  from published authors, including Jack Riggs, Janna McMahan (both personal favorites), and Logan County native Holly Goddard Jones.

The SOKY Book Fest attracted over 130 authors to the Carroll Knicely Center, a new location for this year’s event, on Saturday the 17th.  Some of the guests this year included Richard Paul Evans, Fireproof author Eric Wilson, the Cake Mix Doctor, Anne Byrn and local favorite Silas House.  There were also Children and YA authors including Laura Numeroff, Mark Teague and Michael Reisman. Books were available for signing and purchase; author presentations, panel sessions, and activities for children occurred throughout the day. On the eve of the Book Fest, authors and members of the WKU and local communities met in the Kentucky Building.

Photos of the KY Writers’ Conference | the Book Fest | the Authors’ Reception


Filed under Events, Latest News

New Law Database: HeinOnline

WKU Libraries now subscribes to HeinOnline, one of the most valuable law databases in existence. We are very excited to offer this resource to our patrons.

HeinOnline, named to the 2007 EContent 100 “list of companies that matter most in the digital industry,” is the world’s largest image-based legal research database. With almost 50 million pages of legal information at the touch of a button, HeinOnline is a virtual treasure trove of resources for legal researchers and professionals worldwide.

All content within HeinOnline is image-based in PDF format, from inception and fully searchable, making it the most user-friendly database available.

A Core subscription to HeinOnline includes such valuable collections as: Legal Classics, Law Journal Library, U.S. Supreme Court Library, U.S. Federal Legislative History Library, Treaties and Agreements Library and much more! Also available in HeinOnline, are several unique a-la-carte collections, including: U.S. Congressional Documents, Foreign & International Law Resources Database, World Trials, Session Laws and many more.

From on campus, you can click here to access HeinOnline. When off campus, you can access HeinOnline through our databases page.


Filed under Acquisitions, Latest News

Music Index Online

As if April 1st, 2010, WKU Libraries has access to the Music Index Online:

Published since 1949, The Music Index is the single most comprehensive annual Subject-Author Guide to Music Periodical Literature.

The editor-librarians at Harmonie Park Press have surveyed data from more than 875 music periodicalsfrom over 40 countries.

Produced in conjunction with the PRINT format, The Music Index ONLINE edition features over 1.5 million records. The searchable database is updated quarterly with about 100,000 new records added annually. Open URL support is available and Full Text Article Links are accessible to JSTOR Participants. We are pleased to announce that in 2009 The Music Index Online coverage will span from 1973 to the present.

Topics concerned with every aspect of the classical and popular world of music are thoroughly categorized and organized according to the framework of an internal Subject List which includes both Subject and Geographic headings. Covering all styles and genres of music, The Music Index duly cites book reviews, obituaries, new periodicals, and news and articles about music, musicians, and the music industry.

The longevity and dedication of our editorial and production staff has ensured a publication of unfailing high-quality. The thoroughness of indexing and subject heading research, along with our comprehensive coverage of the music field, makes The Music Index an invaluable resource for both the novice scholar and the experienced academician.

Click here to search Music Index Online. If you are off campus, you will need to log into our proxy server first. You can also access Music Index Online through our library webpage by going to TopCat and search “Music Index Online” or through EBSCOhost via our Databases Page.


Filed under Acquisitions, Latest News

Dictionary of Irish Biography Online

The library has acquired a subscription to the Dictionary of Irish Biography online!

The Dictionary of Irish Biography is a collaborative project between Cambridge University Press and the Royal Irish Academy, available in print and online, involving 700 contributors and spanning 9,000 lives. The Dictionary is the indispensable reference work for Ireland. It includes the lives of Irish men and women who made a significant contribution in Ireland and abroad, as well as those born overseas who had noteworthy careers in Ireland from James Ussher to James Joyce, St Patrick to Patrick Pearse, St Brigit to Maud Gonne MacBride, Shane O’Neil to Eamon de Valera, Edward Carson to Bobby Sands. The Dictionary will put their lives into every major library in the world and on the shelves of scholars, journalists, teachers, broadcasters, diplomats and general readers. It will be especially important in helping to sustain Irish studies courses in universities throughout the world. ~DIB

To access the subscription from WKU,  go to From the homepage go to “Browse” or “Advanced Search” to find what you want. No need to log in!* This is a great resource for historians, English Literature majors, and anyone who deals with important Irish citizens and issues of the past and present.

*If you are off campus, you will first have to log into the Proxy server. Look up “Dictionary of Irish Biography” in TopCat through WKU’s library homepage. There is a link to The Dictionary of Irish Biography when you click the catalog entry.


Filed under Acquisitions, Latest News

Retired General Presented Libraries with Books

Dan Cherry, Retired Brigadier General for the United States Air Force, presented Dr. Mike Binder, Dean of WKU Libraries, with several copies of his book, My Enemy My Friend: a story of reconciliation from the Vietnam War as a donation to each of Western's six library locations. Dan Cherry, Retired Brigadier General for the United States Air Force, presented Dr. Mike Binder, Dean of WKU Libraries, with several copies of his book, My Enemy My Friend: a story of reconciliation from the Vietnam War as a donation to each of Western’s six library locations. Mr Cherry is President of Aviation Heritage Park, an educational aviation museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Dan served for twenty nine years as a fighter pilot in the United States Air Force. His military credentials include flying 295 combat missions during the Vietnam War and serving as Commander and Leader of the Air Force Thunderbirds. Dan currently resides in Bowling Green, Kentucky and is a member of the Kentucky Aviation Hall of Fame.

Book Description: On April 16, 1972 at 15,000 feet in the skies near Hanoi, North Vietnam, Major Dan Cherry first met Lieutenant Nguyen Hong My. In an intense aerial battle Dan shot down the MiG-21 piloted by Hong My. Thirty six years later Dan and Hong My met face to face in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) for the first time since that fateful day. This book describes that meeting, Hong My’s subsequent trip to the United States and the strong friendship that has evolved between these two men. The book’s universal message of reconciliation and friendship has appeal to all ages.


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US Bank Art Show to Be Featured on WBKO Tonight

Tonight (March 18) on WBKO at both 5 pm and 10 pm, Amy DeCesare will be featuring our US Bank art show in her “View from the Hill segment. Be sure to watch our program being highlighted. FYI, Jennifer


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By George: British History, 1760-1820

georgeIII_georgeOn March 17th from 10:20 to 11:30 The History Department and WKU Libraries sponsored the first in a continuing series on monarchs and minions, beginning with BY GEORGE: BRITISH HISTORY, 1760-1820. The free, swipeable event featured a panel of WKU faculty, staff and students leading a discussion on George III: The Man, The Mistake, The Mischief, The Monument in Helm Library, Room 100.

Photos of the Event


Filed under Events, General, Latest News

Hitcents and WKU Libraries Partner to Promote The Horse In Kentucky on New Website

Hitcents and WKU Libraries have partnered to create  a new website highlighting the layout, description and general plan for a new permanent exhibit to be housed at the Kentucky Museum. Hitcents, a nationally known  website and software development company that has created more than 200 websites, partnered with WKU Libraries to create the site to build interest, enthusiasm and funding toward the exhibit named The Horse in Kentucky.

Hitcents provided gift-in-kind services to create the website. According to Ed Mills, Chief Financial Officer for Hitcents, their company became excited about the project from day one. “After a casual conversation with Mike Binder, we learned of their vision to create a horse exhibit to be housed in the Kentucky Museum. Our company slogan ‘Dream it Real’ fit with the aspirations of this project,” said Mills. “Less than four weeks after our first conversation, we have managed to get the project out of the starting gate with the new website,”

“We are very pleased with the final product Hitcents put together for The Horse in Kentucky,” said Mike Binder, Dean of WKU Libraries. “They’ve created an amazing website and we look forward to communicating our plan to the public as we continue to develop the funding base to make this exhibit a reality.”

The Horse in Kentucky recently received a $35,000 grant from the Bowling Green Area Convention and Visitors Bureau’s special tourism project funding. “For years, the state of Kentucky has promoted and spent millions on the horse industry,” said Vicki Fitch, Executive Director of Bowling Green Area Convention & Visitors Bureau. “Now, Bowling Green will be able to offer visitors a permanent exhibit reflecting one of our state’s top industries and points of pride.”

Solid Light, Inc., a design and planning firm based out of Louisville, Kentucky, has been contracted to design, construct and produce the exhibit. The Horse in Kentucky will operate on the fundamental question, “Why is Kentucky the horse capital of the world?” The website explains how the exhibit will explore three unique themes related to specific aspects of the horse’s prominence in Kentucky: the science, the function and the soul of the horse. There will be featured stories throughout the exhibit from past and present Kentuckians who have worked closely with horses of various breeds.

According to Timothy Mullin, Director for the Kentucky Library & Museum, the exhibit will also branch out to include all the many businesses touched by the horse industry. “A farmer, a saddle maker, feed suppliers, veterinarians, show judges, horse beauty parlors, therapy riding stables…the list is endless because the horse industry touches so many Kentuckians’ lives,” said Mullin.

For more information about The Horse in Kentucky exhibit, go to or call Timothy Mullin at 745-6261.


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