WKU Libraries’ Far Away Places series featured Dr. Diane King, Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Kentucky. Dr. King spoke on her recent book Kurdistan on the Global State: Kinship, Land and Community in Iraq, published in 2014 by Rutgers University Press. The book explores how people in Kurdistan connect socially through patron-client relationships, patrilineage and citizenship. King offers a sensitive interpretation of the challenges occurring between tradition and modernity in a land where honor killings and female genital mutilation coexist with mobile phones and increasing education of women.
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Diane King’s “Kurdistan on the Global Stage: Kinship, Land and Community in Iraq”
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Tracing the Unexplored: An Ecuadorian Tapestry
WKU Libraries is one of several sponsors of this two week series of visiting speakers and documentary films. On Tuesday, March 17 at 4 p.m. at GRH 1074 Professor Luz Maria de la Torre, an indigenous activist and scholar from Otavalo, Ecuador talked about the role of indigenous women in changing ethnic relations in Ecuador. She’s currently a visiting professor and instructor of Quechua at UCLA. A reception followed. She also spoke to classes on campus.
On Wednesday, March 18 in MMTH 166, With My Heart in Yambo, an award winning documentary film directed by Maria Fernandez Restrepo was shown. The film describes how her two brothers were abducted by the police and later murdered more than 25 years ago. The documentary was introduced by Professor Sonia Lenk who had once met the Restrepos at their Quito store prior to the murders.
On Tuesday, March 24 at 4 p.m. at GRH 1074 Xavier Bonilla (aka Bonil), Ecuador’s most famous and controversial political cartoonist, spoke about “Political Humor/Cartoons in an Ecuadorian Context: A Free Press or Censorship.” He does cartoons for numerous periodicals and magazines in Ecuador including El Universo, Ecuador’s largest newspaper. Professor Melissa Stewart provided the translation, which was created by her Spanish Translation class. A reception followed. Bonilla also spoke to classes on campus and did media interviews with English and Spanish language press.
On Tuesday, March 31 at 5 p.m. in MMTH 166, Cesar’s Grill a 2013 documentary film directed by Dario Aguirre was shown. It describes how a vegetarian artist’s son living in Germany gets called back to Ecuador to help his father Cesar with his failing grill restaurant. It was recently nominated as the best documentary film at the Santa Barbara Film Festival. The director prepared a special video introduction especially for this showing at WKU. Professor Fabian Alvarez served as moderator. The film opened in Ecuadorian theaters in April and has awards at several film festivals.
De la Torre Photo Album | Bonilla Photo Album | De La Torre Podcast | Bonilla Podcast
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The Gulf: The Bush Presidencies and the Middle East
Michael Cairo is Associate Professor of Political Science at Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky. His newest title “The Gulf: The Bush Presidencies and the Middle East.” Most students at WKU haven’t known a time when there wasn’t a mention of war in the Middle East.
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Al and Jeanne Baker honored
A reception was held in honor of Al and Jeanne Baker, former owners of Shutterbug Photography, for their in-kind gift “WKU Libraries-A Century of Excellence” now displayed on the first floor of Cravens Library. The 14 foot long display was created to commemorate a century of service on the hill.

Recognition for Al and Jeanne Baker’s Millennial display at WKU Cravens Library.
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WKU Libraries & University Expreience Undergraduate Research Award Ceremony
WKU Libraries and the University Experience program presented awards honoring the winners of the 2013 WKU Libraries & University Experience Undergraduate Research Award.
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Janna McMahan @ Kentucky Live!
Award-winning Southern novelist Janna McMahan, a native of Campbellsville, Kentucky, spoke about her experience of the deep south during her writing career at Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Bowling Green, Kentucky on the evening of April 17, 2011. Her presentation was part of the WKU Libraries’ “Kentucky Live!” talk series.
Photo Album | Audio | Podcast
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Kentucky Live! presents Matthew Schoenbachler
This Thursday, March 3 at 7:00 p.m. at Barnes & Noble Bookstore, University of North Alabama historian Matthew Schoenbachler talked about Kentucky’s most famous murder case. After his talk, Schoenbachler signed his new book Murder & Madness: The Myth of the Kentucky Tragedy.
Photo Album of the Event | Audio File | Podcast Continue reading
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Kentucky Live! presents Antonio Thompson
Some 371,000 German prisoners of war were held in the United States between 1941 and 1947 including 9,000 in Kentucky. On the evening of February 10, 2011, Professor Antonio Thompson, a historian from Austin Peay University, who recently taught at West Point, talked about how they came to be here, what they did during the war, the problems involved in managing POW camps and their eventual return to Europe after the war at Barnes & Noble in Bowling Green Kentucky. His talk was part of the WKU Libraries’ Kentucky Live! talk series.
You may contact the author via email or telephone with any further questions.
Telephone: 931-221-7915
Email: thompsonas@apsu.edu
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