Tag Archives: Yearbooks

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  Here is a glimpse back as we continue to speed forward through the 21st century.  For more, visit TopScholar and choose a year from the drop down box.  http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/

1990 Talisman

25 Years Ago – Talisman 1990

1965 Talisman

50 Years Ago – 1965 Talisman

Talisman 1940

75 Years Ago – 1940 Talisman


1915 Vista

100 Years Ago – 1915 Vista

















Post written by WKU Archives Assistant April McCauley.

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Filed under University Archives

The Vista

The Vista

You may know the Talisman and may have heard about the Towers, but did you know that the first Western Kentucky State Normal School yearbook was The Vista? Published in 1915, it was a one off. There would not be another yearbook until the Talisman debuted in 1924. The Vista has the expected campus views, faculty and student photographs. It also includes class wills, poems and songs as well as snap shots of student life. Take a look at campus life 95 years ago. The Vista and other school yearbooks were digitized during the WKU Centennial and are available online.


Filed under Events, University Archives