Pig in Class

Forsythe & Pig

Belmont Forsythe
with Socrates-Kruger

During the school break between the summer and fall semester of 1939 I obtained Socrates-Kruger from my father’s farm in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. He was six weeks old. He became well trained and responded very obediently while on hiis pig’s leash. Socrates-Kruger soon became a campus celebrity as he accompanied me to class and around the campus (he was always fastened to the outside doorknob of the classrooms. I was firing a coal fed furnace at a boarding house on State Street, Socrates-Kruger stayed with me in my basement room which ws located next to the coal bin. He continued to get into the coal bin, and therefore needed a bath everyday. After six weeks of enjoying his celebrity status he was returned to my father’s farm when in 2 years he joined his ancestors, Socrates & Kruger. He is pictured here in front of H.H. Cherry Hall. Belmont Forsythe, AB ’40.

Socrates-Kruger was named for the Greek philosopher and General Paul Kruger of South Africa.

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