Dr. Ron Fritze, Dean of Arts & Sciences at Athens State University, spoke on “Prince Madoc and the Welsh Indians: A Myth” and other topics on pseudohistory and pseudoscience in this month’s Kentucky Live! talk at Barnes & Noble this Thursday, February 11th. Ron is the author of ten books on a variety of topics including: Legends and Lore of the Americas Before 1492 and New Worlds: The Great Voyages of Discovery, 1400-1600. His newest book Invented Knowledge: False History, Fake Science and Pseudo-religions has been drawing international attention including a featured review in the Times Literary Supplement in London. Ron will be signing copies of his new book following his presentation. This talk series is sponsored by the Friends of WKU Libraries and the Kentucky Museum.
Dr. Ron Fritze – Prince Madoc and the Welsh Indians: A Myth
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Ron will be signing copies of his new book following his presentation. This talk series is sponsored by the Friends of WKU Libraries and the Kentucky Museum.