Daily Archives: February 4, 2012

February Reference Book Display


With Valentine’s Day coming up, the reference display this month is “The Sciences Look at Love” with a collection of books from both the hard and soft sciences regarding love and relationships. Selections include books from anatomy, physiology, psychology, anthropology and sociology.

Books on Display

1. The atlas of heart disease and stroke / Judith McKay and George A. Mensah with Shanthi Mendis and Kurt Greenlund. RC 683. M34x 2004
2. Atlas of the human brain / Jürgen K. Mai, Joseph Assheuer, George Paxinos. QM 455.M347 2004
3. Gray’s anatomy : the anatomical basis of clinical practice / editor-in-chief, Susan Standring ; section editors, Neil R. Borley … [et al.].  QM 23.2.G7 2008x
4. The encyclopedia of the heart and heart disease / Otelio S. Randall and Deborah S. Romaine. QP 111.4.R36 2005
5Atlas of human anatomy. QM 25.A798 2001
6. The Greenwood encyclopedia of love, courtship, & sexuality through history / edited by James W. Howell … [et al.]. HQ 21.G67125 2008 v.1 (of 6)
7. Marriage, family, and relationships : a cross-cultural encyclopedia / Gwen J. Broude. GN 480.B76 1994
8. Encyclopedia of human behavior / editor-in-chief, V.S. Ramachandran. BF 31.E5 1994 v.1 (of 4)
9. Encyclopedia of human relationships / Harry T. Reis, Susan Sprecher, [editors]. HM 1106.E53 2009 v.1 (of 3)
10. Encyclopedia of human emotions / edited by David Levinson, James J. Ponzetti, Jr., Peter F. Jorgensen. BF531.E55 1999 v. 1 (of 2)
11. The concise book of muscles / Chris Jarmey. QP321.J45 2008x

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