Michael Cairo is Associate Professor of Political Science at Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky. His newest title “The Gulf: The Bush Presidencies and the Middle East.” Most students at WKU haven’t known a time when there wasn’t a mention of war in the Middle East.
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The Gulf: The Bush Presidencies and the Middle East
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Michael Cairo
Transylvania University political scientist Michael Cairo is the opening speaker in this year’s Far Away Places series. He’ll be speaking on Thursday, September 19, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at Barnes & Noble Bookstore (1680 Campbell Lane) about his new book The Gulf: The Bush Presidencies and the Middle East published recently by the University Press of Kentucky and about recent events in the Middle East. A book signing will follow.
Cairo is a native of Clifton Park near Saratoga, New York. Growing up he had ambitions to save the world but shifted these to focus on a career in International Relations. After an MA and PhD in Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia, he’s taught political science at Virginia Commonwealth University, Southern Illinois University, the University of Kentucky and Georgetown College. In 2010 he joined the faculty of Transylvania University as an Associate Professor.
His interest in the Middle East stems from his interest in building understanding across cultures and he has visited Israel and Palestine most recently in July 2012 and May 2013. His newest project is a second book focusing on U.S.- Israeli Relations.
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New Faculty Orientation & Information Fair
The faculty and staff of University Libraries participated in this year’s 2013 New Faculty Orientation on Friday, August 16. Jack Montgomery, John Gottfried, and Jennifer Wilson answered questions at the lunch time Information Fair.
The afternoon presentation included a welcome from Dean Connie Foster and then presentations on reference services, LibGuides and databases from John Gottfried, catalogs and TopScholar from Deana Groves and Research Instruction from Bryan Carson. Jack Montgomery explained collection development and our desire to partner with teaching faculty. He also introduced our new Patron Driven Acquisition program which will launch this fall. A collection of selected resources will be added to our TOPCAT online catalog and become part of our permanent collection the second time they are selected by patrons. Katie King introduced the libraries’ social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Blog and our newest Pinterest). The latter features pages on
programs and recent library acquisitions. Brian Coutts talked about this year’s Literary Outreach programs including the Faraway Places and Kentucky Live series, the Kentucky Writer’s Conference, the Southern Kentucky Bookfest, One Book One Community reads program and Faraway Flix, a new series of foreign film nights. He also discussed STACKMAP our new newest technical application which allows patrons to click on MAPIT in the public catalog to determine exact locations of circulating materials. Timothy Mullin talked about Library Specials Collections. The New faculty received a copy of the libraries’ Centennial History.
Link to the New Faculty Orientation Powerpoint:
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Alpine Expedition to Peru
In the summer of 2012 WKU geography faculty member John All led a summer research expedition to the Cordillera Blanca of Peru. University photographer Clinton Lewis accompanied the expedition as the official photographer. On the evening of March 21, 2013, WKU Photographer Clinton Lewis shared his spectacular photographs of the expedition in this month’s Far Away Places series at Barnes & Noble Bookstore.
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A Tale of Titanic Survivors
On the evening of November 15, 2012, at Barnes & Noble Booksellers in Bowling Green, KY, WKU Libraries featured Professor Williams in its Far Away Places talk series. She talked about her book A Rare Titanic Family: The Caldwells’ Story of Survival and told the story of how her great uncle Albert Caldwell’s family were one of the few to survive the sinking of the Titanic. The event was concluded with book signing.
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Coming Far Away Places talk series: Ernest Hemingway and Spain
Ricardo Marin Ruiz, Professor of English at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, talked in our “Far Away Places series” about “Ernest Hemingway and Spain: Or How a Land Can Attract A Man” on Thursday, April 5 at Barnes & Noble Bookstore.
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Far Away Places: To Kill a Tiger: a Memoir of Korea
On the evening of Februrary 16, 2012, Professor Jid Lee from Middle Tennessee State University spoke about her book To Kill a Tiger: A Memoir of Korea, a personal narrative of her girlhood in a traditional South Korean family against the traumatic events of recent Korean history including the Japanese occupation. Her lecture is part of the Libraries’ Far Away talk series that take place monthly at Bowling Green Barnes & Noble Booksellers on Campbell Lane. The event concluded with book signing.
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Far Away Places presents David Keeling
Dr. David Keeling from WKU Department of Geology and Geography, talked about Gabon in WKU Libraries’ Far Away Places program at Barnes & Noble Bookstore on Thursday, November 17, 2011.
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Far Away Places presents James Siekmeier
This month’s Far Away Places series featured Professor James Siekmeier, historian from West Virginia University. He talked about “Bolivia and the United States: The Ties That Bind and Constrict” on Thursday, April 21 at Barnes & Noble Bookstore, Bowling Green, KY. His talk was followed by a heated discussion and book signing.
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