WKU Libraries student workers attended an orientation in Helm 100 on Wednesday, September 11 to learn more about their responsibilities in the libraries. Brian Coutts, Department Head of Library Public Services, welcomed the students and gave an overview of library services. Brent Fisk from VPAL, Crystal Bowling and Paula Bowles from Library Technical Services, and Doug Wiles from Library Security all provided insightful information and offered assistance to the students workers. Upon conclusion, several students won a library t-shirt from the drawing.
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Library student workers participate in orientation
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Al and Jeanne Baker honored
A reception was held in honor of Al and Jeanne Baker, former owners of Shutterbug Photography, for their in-kind gift “WKU Libraries-A Century of Excellence” now displayed on the first floor of Cravens Library. The 14 foot long display was created to commemorate a century of service on the hill.

Recognition for Al and Jeanne Baker’s Millennial display at WKU Cravens Library.
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“Kentucky County Stars: Illustrious Kentuckians”
WKU Visual Resources Librarian Nancy Richey and retired newspaper publisher Roger Givens presented “Kentucky County Stars: Illustrious Kentuckians” as part of the “We’ve Been Everywhere” program on Tuesday, April 23 in the Helm Library on WKU’s campus. Rogers and Givens presented images and brief synopses of famous entertainers, politicians, and other influential figures throughout history who originated form our Bluegrass state.
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WKU Libraries & University Expreience Undergraduate Research Award Ceremony
WKU Libraries and the University Experience program presented awards honoring the winners of the 2013 WKU Libraries & University Experience Undergraduate Research Award.
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The Kentucky Derby: How the Run for the Roses Became America’s Premier Sporting Event
Thursday evening at Barnes & Noble Bookstore, Dr. James Nicholson shared with his audience the history of the Kentucky Derby and what makes “America’s Premier Sporting Event”. He spoke and also shared a collage of photos revealing the highs and lows of what is none other than the tradition and culture surrounding Kentucky’s famous Derby!
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Big Red Had Great Fun in WKU Libraries
On December 7, 2012, Big Red visited the University Libraries at WKU and had fun with the students studying and those working in it. She had her first taste of The Commons at Cravens still under construction and seemed to enjoy herself there very much.
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Far Away Places presents David Keeling
Dr. David Keeling from WKU Department of Geology and Geography, talked about Gabon in WKU Libraries’ Far Away Places program at Barnes & Noble Bookstore on Thursday, November 17, 2011.
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SOKY Reads! Alcott Series Continues Tonight
This past Thursday, September 22, SOKY Reads! presented “Louisa May Alcott: Literary Phenomenon and Social Reform.” Dr. Dorothea Browder discussed the role of women in 19th-Century America, while Jennifer Walton-Hanley discussed how Alcott’s novel Work: A Story of Experience influenced women’s rights and responsibilities beyond the family.
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Far Away Places presents James Siekmeier
This month’s Far Away Places series featured Professor James Siekmeier, historian from West Virginia University. He talked about “Bolivia and the United States: The Ties That Bind and Constrict” on Thursday, April 21 at Barnes & Noble Bookstore, Bowling Green, KY. His talk was followed by a heated discussion and book signing.
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