Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of WKU’s Glasgow Campus Library

Glasgow Library Celebrating 20th AnniversaryWKU Libraries and Glasgow Community celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Glasgow Campus Library on April 15, 2009. Dr. Mike Binder, Dean of University, welcomed the audience and introduced the speakers. Dr. Juanita Bayless, Glasgow Campus Director; Dr. Brian Coutts, Head of Department of Libraries; Monica Conrad, President of Glasgow Business & Professional Women’s Club; Georgia Beth Albany, Past President of Glasgow Business & Professional Women’s Club; and Kath Pennavaria, Glasgow Library Coordinator took the floor. President at the celebration were Mayor of Glasgow City, faculty and staff from the Main Library and the Glasgow Library, as well as Glasgow Campus students.

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202 Responses to Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of WKU’s Glasgow Campus Library

  1. WKU’s Glasgow Campus Library is a great place to spend your time enriching your knowledge.

  2. Wow its been around 20 years? Cool, a big occasion.

  3. The glasgow library is one of my favourite places to hang out, it has a really nice ambience.

  4. Well congrats for the 20th anniversary!

  5. It’s hard to believe that this library was started in the late 80’s.

  6. Glasgow campus library is looking great!

  7. yes!rightly said WKU’s Glasgow Campus Library is a good place for all of them who wish to invest their time wisely ,enriching their knowledge.

  8. Well WKU’s Glasgow Library is the best place to find the rare books which are not easily available.

  9. I met Dr. Mike Binder on a project some time ago. He is a very special dean

  10. Cal

    Congrats to all Glasgow students and staff.

  11. Let’s congratulate the Glasgow Business and Professional Women’s club who first took on the task of raising $100,000 for the library. Not only that, they accomplished this in less than year. Now, the dream has been fulfilled.

  12. I applaud the e Glasgow Business and Professional Women’s club who first took on the task of raising $100,000 for the library. Well done.

  13. The ladies at the Glasgow Business and Professional Women’s Club prove the worthiness of women in business.

  14. My congratulations to all Glasgow Students!

  15. WKU’s Glasgow Campus Library is a great place to spend your time enriching your knowledge. Unbelievable atmosphere.

  16. My congratz to all from Glasgow, specially the Students and Teachers!!!

  17. 20 years of library service is a tough act to follow! Kudos to you!

  18. I spent a lot of time in that library! Too bad I wasn’t around for this celebration for the library, as it would have been a nice trip down memory lane.

  19. Happy 20th to all of the Glasgow Campus Library staff

  20. Congrats to WKU’s Glasgow Campus Library. May your service last for more than 20 years.

  21. My congratz to all from Glasgow, specially the Students and Teachers!!!

  22. 20 years of library service is a tough act to follow! Kudos to you!

  23. Happy 20th to all of the Glasgow Campus Library staff
    20 years of library service is a tough act to follow! Kudos to you!

  24. Congrats to all Glasgow students and staff.

  25. A great occasion.. Congratulations!

  26. Congratulation to all the teachers and students

  27. WKU’s Glasgow Campus Library is a great place to spend your time enriching your knowledge. Unbelievable atmosphere.

  28. Congratulation to all the teachers and students and staff.

  29. WKU’s Glasgow Campus Library is a great place to spend your time enriching your knowledge. Unbelievable atmosphere.

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  32. I can’t believe that the library was established in the 1980’s

  33. Thanks for the information, very useful and clear, please if you have more information tell us.

  34. happy late 21st Anniversary

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