Author Archives: Susan Broady

WKU Libraries participates in the Homecoming Parade



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WKU Libraries teams up with Confucius Institute to offer a Homecoming Reception.


WKU Libraries partnered with the Confucius Institute and offered a Homecoming Reception Saturday morning in Helm Library, Room 100. Faculty, staff, students, and alumni visited the event in the morning from 10 to 11:30 am. There were opportunities to participate in a tea ceremony, try calligraphy, view Tai Chi demonstrations, and listen to the Chinese Music Club as well as enjoy the American and Chinese reception food.

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Homecoming Reception

Homecoming Final

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WKU Libraries celebrates Open Access Week

DSC_0085 WKU Libraries got the word out about the benefits and importance of Open Access during the annual week of awareness. “It was our goal to inform students, especially, what Open Access means and why freedom of scholarly information is so critical in this day,” said Deana Groves, Department Head of Technical Services in WKU Libraries. A committee of Library faculty and staff organized a display to educate students, along with other faculty and staff, about WKU’s open access platform, TopSCHOLAR. Large posters illustrated how far WKU’s scholarly research reaches across the globe. Faculty member Laura DeLancey handed out cookies with the universal Open Access symbol of the open lock to patrons in the Commons along with free waters that showed short facts about Open Access in an effort to further educate the public.












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WKU Libraries Halloween Potluck

DSC_0215-001WKU Library faculty, staff, and students celebrated Halloween with the annual potluck party and costume competition. The winners of the costume competition are:

Most Traditional – Jennifer Wilson – Minnie Mouse

Best Face Painting – Allison Sircy – broken strings marionette

Most Creative – Bryan Carson – Pimp

Most Original – Glenda White – One Night Stand

Best Cartoon Character – Crystal Bowling – Captain America

Best Book Character – Lesley Montgomery – Mary Poppins

Best Store Bought Costume – Laura Bohuski – Renaissance Lady

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Author Jason Mott participated in 2014 SOKY Reads!

9780778317074.inddSOKY Reads! proved extremely successful last week as numerous community members and students visited with Jason Mott, author of this year’s featured book The Returned. Mott attended David Bell’s creative writing class and talked about his book, getting published, and what it takes to be a successful writer. He also offered to sign books and addressed a large crowd at the Bob Kirby Library, and participated in two separate luncheons, answering questions from members of three different book clubs. DSC_0023

This year, SOKY Book Fest partners gave out 500 books of The Returned and offered book discussions at various community locations, including the public library branches, at Western Kentucky University, and at Southcentral Kentucky Community & Technical College.

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Reception for Josie Underwood’s Civil War Diary, Part Two

The Register cover-001

WKU Libraries hosted a reception and book signing for author and retired library professor Nancy Disher Baird on Sunday, October 12 in the afternoon in the Kentucky Building. Housed in WKU’s Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, the second of Josie Underwood’s diaries was recently published in the Register of the Kentucky Historical Society (vol. 112, no. 3). Baird spoke of Underwood’s experiences and travels in and around Scotland, taken from the diary. Baird, a former special collections faculty member and local historican, shared keen observations from the diary to the audience of more than forty regarding Civil War times from a young female civilian’s perspective.  

“I think a diary like this helps us humanize people from the past,” said David Turpie, editor of the Register. “Facts and figures are important…but it is also important to understand the thoughts and feelings of one individual, in this case someone who had an unusual journey during the Civil War years. While the war occurred, Josie continued to live her life.”

When we think of the Civil War, we read about military strategy and movement; however, this diary goes beyond the troops. “Most studies of war concentrate on the military and its heroes. But what about the trauma experienced by civilians left at home—especially in an area occupied by the military,” said Nancy Baird, editor of both diaries. “Josie Underwood’s diary concentrates on the Kentucky home front during the Civil War; most southern states experienced similar problems.” For additional information on the latest diary, email the Register staff at

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The Kentucky Building is celebrating its 75th anniversary

KY Building constructionThe Kentucky Building is celebrating its 75th anniversary with a reception Friday, November 14 from 2:00-3:00 pm in the Kentucky Room of the Kentucky Building on Western Kentucky University’s campus. The public and WKU community are invited to the celebration. There will be a brief program about the history of the building, free admission to all museum exhibits and behind-the-scene tours.

Schedule is as follows:

            2:00     Reception begins/cake and punch serviced

            2:20     Remarks by President Gary Ransdell

            2:30     History of the Kentucky Building by Jonathan Jeffrey

            2:45     Announcements of new acquisitions and the Connie Mills Internship

            2:50     Guests are welcome to tour all areas of the Kentucky Building

 Brief history of the Kentucky Building, photo gallery, and more information can be found at         

Contact Christy Spurlock, Education Curator/Kentucky Museum at, 270-745-6082 or contact Jonathan Jeffrey, Department Head for Library Special Collections at, 270-745-5265 for more information about the program or day.    

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First Faraway Flix film welcomed a full faculty house.

Sixty students, faculty, and staff poured into the Faculty House on Friday, September 26 for the first film of the 2014-15 Faraway Flix series, featuring international films. Ecuador, the featured country for WKU this year, was the first country highlighted in the movie Que Tan Lejos. Participants received a free t-shirt, a sample of Ecuadorian food, and great scholar-led discussion with Dr. Sonia Lenk from Modern Languages.
“We were very pleased with the turn out for the first film of the year,” said Shaden Melky, chair of the Faraway Flix committee and organizer of the event. “There were several conflicting events so it was great to see so many attend for our kick off to a great line up of films.”

Other countries or cultures featured this year in the film series include Japan, Native America, France, Thailand, and Lebanon. For more information on each film, go to

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