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Reception for Josie Underwood’s Civil War Diary, Part Two

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WKU Libraries hosted a reception and book signing for author and retired library professor Nancy Disher Baird on Sunday, October 12 in the afternoon in the Kentucky Building. Housed in WKU’s Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, the second of Josie Underwood’s diaries was recently published in the Register of the Kentucky Historical Society (vol. 112, no. 3). Baird spoke of Underwood’s experiences and travels in and around Scotland, taken from the diary. Baird, a former special collections faculty member and local historican, shared keen observations from the diary to the audience of more than forty regarding Civil War times from a young female civilian’s perspective.  

“I think a diary like this helps us humanize people from the past,” said David Turpie, editor of the Register. “Facts and figures are important…but it is also important to understand the thoughts and feelings of one individual, in this case someone who had an unusual journey during the Civil War years. While the war occurred, Josie continued to live her life.”

When we think of the Civil War, we read about military strategy and movement; however, this diary goes beyond the troops. “Most studies of war concentrate on the military and its heroes. But what about the trauma experienced by civilians left at home—especially in an area occupied by the military,” said Nancy Baird, editor of both diaries. “Josie Underwood’s diary concentrates on the Kentucky home front during the Civil War; most southern states experienced similar problems.” For additional information on the latest diary, email the Register staff at

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Author Sherry Logsdon at an Encore Kentucky Live! in Glasgow

Author Sherry Logsdon speaking for Kentucky Live at WKU Glasgow Library

Author Sherry Logsdon speaking for Kentucky Live at WKU Glasgow Library

WKU graduate and retired teacher/counselor Sherry Logsdon discussed her new novel Asylum at our Glasgow Library on Thursday, October 30, 2014. The novel focuses attention on the incarceration of women in insane asylums in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in many cases for their outspoken views on women’s rights.

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WKU Library Faculty Nancy Richey receives KLA Innovation Award

Nancy with awardNancy Richey, WKU Associate Professor, received the  Innovation Award from the Special Libraries section of the Kentucky Library Association (KLA) at their annual meeting September 19 in Louisville, Kentucky. The award recognizes the contributions of an individual who has applied creative ideas or innovative thinking in his/her library which has resulted in significantly changed or enhanced service to constituents.

Richey, a lifelong book enthusiast, was surprised and humbled by the honor. “To be personally recognized by the Kentucky Library Association and/or anything to do with books, is very gratifying,” said Richey. “Books were my best friends while I was growing up in a very rural community, and the love of libraries set my career life path.”

Ms. Richey is an Associate Professor at Western Kentucky University Libraries, where she serves as the Reading Room Coordinator and Visual Resources Librarian for the Department of Library Special Collections. Ms. Richey is a native of Mt. Hermon, Kentucky, and has been a faculty member at WKU since July 2008. She is a graduate of the University of Kentucky and Western Kentucky University where she received degrees in Information Science and Southern History. Richey has served on various historical boards, including Giles Historical Society, Morrison Park Camp Meeting Site Restoration Board  and the Daughters of the American Revolution, and has authored two local history books in the Images of America book series published by Arcadia Press. Richey has cleaned up forgotten cemeteries, presented local historical information at regional events, and assisted in the restoration of historical grounds in Barren County. She is responsible for collection development for the Kentucky Library for Genealogy and Local History, and for providing research assistance and library research instruction.

A member of the board of directors for the Kentucky Library Association stated, “(Richey) has reached beyond the walls of the library to offer some amazing support to her community through service on historical boards and in support of historical renovation…(her work) makes her quite a role model to others wanting to provide innovative, valuable outreach and expertise to their communities.”

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WKU Libraries participates in Banned Books Week

banned book etown3Several library locations are recognizing Banned Books Week with displays of books that have either been challenged or are currently being challenged.


Launched in 1982, Banned Books Week brings  together reading communities in a shared effort to support the freedom to read, express opinions and ideas, and to generate an awareness of literature being challenged daily. bannedbookwk2

Several locations participated this year, including Owensboro, Elizabethtown, the Educational Resources Center, Helm-Cravens Library, and the Reading Room of the Special Collections Library. bannedbookwk3

Banned Books week began September 21 and will continue until September 27, 2014. Go to for more information about the program.

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Lewis Completes Staff Leadership Program

Maria Lewis, Library Assistant in the Department of Library Special Collections (DLSC), recently completed the 2013-2014 year-long training through the Staff Leadership Institute. This program is for WKU staff members who have demonstrated advancement potential in their work. Over the past months, Maria attended classes and workshops that taught and tested, improved leadership competencies, the ability to apply basic leadership principles and to employ knowledge of WKU resources campus wide. The program is sponsored by the Staff Council and Human Resources. Selection for participation in the program is competitive and requires recommendation and approval by supervisors and departments. The program notes that it “seeks to enhance job performance and personal development skills while challenging the spirit of each individual who participates.” Maria enjoyed the diversity of people and tasks in the program and learning more about the life of campus and how things work together. The Library Special Collections department is pleased that Maria was chosen to participate and was among the 2014 recent graduates. Congratulations to Maria!

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Thank you card presented to WKU Libraries

On April 24, members of tthank you cardhe Omega Phi Alpha National Service Sorority surprised Dean Connie Foster with a handmade thank you card. The Rho Chapter at WKU was founded in 1993 and is dedicated to serving the world around us, developing leadership skills, and building lifelong friendships. It was significant that a campus service group was honoring the Libraries for all that the Libraries offers the students.  More than twenty members signed the card, and the three ladies who gave it to the Dean were gracious as they thanked Dean Foster and her faculty, students, and staff for their service to the university.

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WKU celebrates 80 years as Federal Depository Library

DSC_1583WKU Libraries celebrates its 80th anniversary as a United States Federal Depository Library this year. “Your long-term commitment to making Federal Government information available to the public is greatly appreciated,” said Mary Alice Baishe, Superintendent of Documents for the U.S. Government Printing Office. “Your partnership with the U.S. Government Printing Office helps accomplish a Government mission as well as meet your constituent service objectives. We look forward to working with you (WKU Libraries) and your staff for years to come as we all strive to provide the American public with free, easily accessible Government information.”  WKU Libraries has been a designated Federal Depository Library since 1934. Go to for more information on the program.

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“Talkin About Food” Authors at the 16th Southern Kentucky Bookfest


Brian Coutts with KY cookbook authors at the 2014 Southern Kentucky Bookfest. (From left to right) Wes Berry, Brian Coutts, Deirdre Scaggs, and Bobbie Smith Bryant.

The 11:00 a.m. session at this year’s Southern Kentucky Bookfest featured cookbook authors Wes Berry, Bobbie Smith Bryant and Deirdre Scaggs.


“The Kentucky Barbecue Book” by Wes Berry

Wes Berry, a native of Horse Cave, Kentucky grew up in Barren County where he recalled that his uncle was an entrepreneur who would “flip meat all day” and rewarded him for chores with smoked meat, thus beginning his fascination with barbecue or “meat cooked with smoke”.  After graduating from WKU he received his MA and PhD from the University of Mississippi where he cultivated an interest in literature and the environment and published essays and short stories in a variety of journals. After a teaching stint at Rockford College in Illinois, he returned to his alma mater where he is presently an Associate Professor and coordinator of the Robert Penn Warren Center.  Three years ago he began a quest which involved visiting 160 of the state’s barbecue shacks, joints, restaurants and festivals and culminated in his recent book KY BBQ published by the University Press of KY. Wes talked about the regional differences in Kentucky barbecue, the mutton line and the eighteen establishments which serve barbecued mutton, his several visits to the annual Fancy Farm picnic and the history of barbecues and politics in Kentucky.


“Passions of the Black Patch: Cooking and Quilting in Western Kentucky” by Bobbie Smith Bryant

Bobbie Smith Bryant is a native of Calloway County, Kentucky where she grew up on her family’s farm in the “Black Patch” of Kentucky—an area named for the unique tobacco curing process used only in that region.  Her first book Forty Acres & A Red Belly Ford: The Smith Family of Calloway County published in 2011 described how for ten generations, the Smiths have made a life farming tobacco on land settled by their ancestors in the 1820s.  This was the basis for a documentary film Farming in the Black Patch narrated by Peter Thomas from NOVA.  In her newest book Passions of the Black Patch: Cooking and Quilting in Western Kentucky she contrasts 200 family recipes with stories and photographs of hand-crafted heirloom quilts.  Her recipe for “Snow Cream” rekindled some of my wife’s childhood memories. She’s a community development advisor for the Kentucky League of Cities. She talked about when Calloway County was once the “banana capital “of America, explained how to find poke for your next “poke salad” and talked about the decline of tobacco farming as a way of life in Western Kentucky.

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“The Historic Kentucky Kitchen: Traditional Recipes for Today’s Cook” by Deirdre A. Scaggs and Andrew W. McGraw

Deirdre Scaggs is the Associate Dean of Special Collections and Co-Director of the Wendell H. Ford Public Policy Research Center in the University of Kentucky Libraries in Lexington. A native of Vanceburg, Kentucky, where her family have lived since the early 1900s, she grew up in Lewis County where she was inspired by her grandmother, who was a hardworking, independent woman, active in her community and a great cook.  She graduated from the University of Louisville where she majored in studio art with a specialty in photography.  She received her MFA from the Ohio State University and an MLIS from the University of Pittsburgh where she worked on the Historic Pittsburgh project.  After working at Ohio State University’s cartoon research library she moved to Lexington to become a project archivist for the Lexington Herald Leader’s photograph collection before becoming Director of Archives for the University of Kentucky.  Her first book “Women In Lexington” in the Images of America series was published by Arcadia Press in 2006.  In her newest book “The Historic Kentucky Kitchen”, which she co-authored with Chef Andrew McGraw for the University Press of Kentucky in 2013, she presents more than 100 recipes, mostly handwritten, found in UK’s Special Collections, each one of which has been tested.  She explained how stumbling on a recipe which involved zucchini, tomatoes, anchovies and eggs started her and her coauthor on a quest to find other interesting recipes in the archives.  More than 200 were selected for kitchen testing, some of which she confessed were cooking disasters.  Some of those included are drawn from prominent Kentucky families like the Clays and Breckenridges while others came from Frances Jewell McVey, wife of a President of UK.  The oldest date to the 1850s.

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Fading Away: How to Preserve Your Treasures

ManWithCatIn conjunction with National Preservation Week, WKU Library Special Collections faculty Nancy Richey and Allison Day will be holding a workshop titled “Fading Away: How to Preserve Your Treasures” on Monday, April 28 from 5-7 pm in the Western Room of the Kentucky Building on Western Kentucky University’s campus.

According to Nancy Richey, WKU Visual Resources Librarian, several topics will be covered, including storage supplies, best locations for storage, dealing with damaged materials, how to prevent deterioration, and simple scanning and digitization steps.

“This workshop caters to anyone in the community interested in preserving old pictures and keepsakes,” said Richey. “Individuals are welcome to bring samples of materials that they may have concerns or questions about.”

The Department of Library Special Collections houses and archives primary research materials containing pertinent historical, cultural, university, and general materials from local, national, and international resources.

“We are happy to bring our faculty’s preservation expertise to the community,” said Jack Montgomery, Interim Department Head for Library Special Collections. “This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone interested in maintaining family or an organization’s materials for future generations.”

For more information on the workshop, contact Nancy Richey at 270-745-6092.

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Katherine Pennavaria Discusses Tangier Island

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Katherine Pennavaria talked about her recent trip to Tangier Island. It turned out to be “the strangest place you’ve never heard of,” she told the audience. Kath said she had been attracted to the island by the quaint accent the island people spoke. Tangier Island, dubbed the “soft crab capital” of the nation, is a unique island located in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay. The people of Tangier, who speak with a lingering trace of Elizabethan accent, live here because they like the lifestyle and have no desire to live on the mainland.

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