World War I Resources in WKU Archives

WKU Barracks, 1918

WKU Barracks, 1918

WKU Archives is located in the Kentucky Building and is open Monday-Friday 9 AM – 4 PM.

Canon, E.H. Oral History, 1977

Cherry, Henry. Lost Sheep in the Army, 1918

Cherry, Henry. Personal Papers

Cherry, Henry & Earl Sullenger. Correspondence, 1918

Diddle, E.A. Interview, nd

Grise, Mary. Oral History, 1977

Orendorf, Jo. Oral History, 1978

Poteet, James. Oral History, 1975

Purvis, Kim. Student Life Powerpoint Presentation, 2004

Purvis, Kim. War & WKU, 2004

Sumpter, Ward. Oral History, 1976

Western Kentucky University Publications:

White, Arthur Jr. Professor Franz Joseph Strahm, 1982

WKU Archives. Photographs

WKU Honors Program. Student Honors Research Bulletin, 1978

WKU Military Science. Kentucky Men in Student’s Army Training Corps, 1921

WKU President’s Office – Cherry. Henry Cherry Special CorrespondenceĀ 

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