Susan Bordo, Otis A. Singletary Professor of Humanities, Dept. of Gender & Women’s Studies, University of Kentucky, spoke about her most recent book The Queen with Six Fingers: Anne Boleyn in Fact, Fiction and Fantasy in the Far Away Places event on Wednesday, October 21, at Barnes & Noble in Bowling Green, KY.
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The Kentucky African American Encyclopedia
John Hardin, Professor of History at WKU, talked about his recently published work The Kentucky African American Encyclopedia in the WKU Libraries-organized Kentucky Live! event on the evening of October 8 at the Barnes & Noble Bookstore in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
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Banned Books Week
WKU Libraries celebrates Banned Books Week between September 27 – October 3 to support the efforts of librarians in promoting intellectual freedom and combating censorship. To mark this week there are Banned Books Week displays on the 5th floor of Cravens library and at the Educational Resources Center (ERC) in Gary Ransdell Hall. All books in the displays are available to be checked out!
The American Library Association maintains a list of the titles and reasons for frequently challenged books.
Below is an excerpt of an article published this week in American Libraries about Banned Books Week and the continued importance of fighting censorship for the freedom to read.
“Banned Books Week Roundup 2015: Recently banned and challenged books in US libraries and elsewhere
George M. Eberhart | September 29, 2015
As Banned Books Weekis celebrated September 27–October 3, it’s helpful to remember that there is still a need for vigilance to ensure the freedom to read. In 2015, books are still challenged (when an individual or group requests the removal or restriction of materials from a library or curriculum) and banned (when materials are removed outright from circulation), not only in the United States but in other countries as well.
Kristin Pekoll, assistant director of the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, says that librarians and teachers often feel frustrated by these efforts to restrict the scope of reading. “More and more, they are reaching out to our office for support because they’re feeling silenced by their administrations,” she says. “While the fear of losing their jobs is real, more often librarians tell me about professional retaliation in the form of book budget cuts or bad evaluations. The theory is that if their lives are made miserable enough, they’ll quit, and the books will be censored because no one is there to defend them.”
Here is a roundup of recent instances of book challenges in US school libraries, as well as one public and one academic library:
- In February, parent Catrenna Lopez initiated a challenge to Gilbert Hernandez’s graphic novelPalomar after her son checked the book out from the Rio Rancho (N.Mex.) High School library, saying the content included “sexual graphics, prostitution, child pornography, child abuse, explicit sexual scenes, nudity.” A review committee met on March 16 and decided by a 5–3 vote that Palomarshould not be removed, but students under 18 would need a parent’s permission before it can be checked out. However, school librarian Brenda McCandless had independently made the decision to remove the book from the system in violation of school policy. (KOAT-TV, Albuquerque, July 7; KUNM-FM, Albuquerque, July 14.)
- In mid-September, Hamilton Boone, the parent of a teen at Satellite High School in Satellite Beach, Florida, wanted Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved pulled from the Advanced Placement summer reading list because of what he called its “porn content.” However, after he admitted that he had not actually read the entire book, the school’s challenge committee unanimously voted to keep it on the reading list. (Melbourne Florida Today, Sept. 11.)
- Two books, The Librarian of Basra and Nasreen’s Secret School, both by Jeanette Winter, werechallenged in the Duval County (Fla.) School District in July on the grounds that they “promote the Koran and praying to Muhammad,” according to Dianne Haines Roberts, grandparent of a student. She wanted the books removed from the 3rd grade curriculum. However, as the National Coalition Against Censorship pointed out in a July 30 letter to School Superintendent Nikolai P. Vitti, “Arguments that the books promote Islam are misguided: Learning about life in an Islamic culture is no more promoting Islam than learning about a Christian character is promoting Christianity.” The school decided to allow parents to opt their children out of reading the books. (WJCT-TV, Jacksonville, Fla., July 13.)
- Allen Burch, principal of Lincoln High School in Tallahassee, Florida, pulled Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time from the summer reading program in August after he received a few dozen complaints from parents about the book’s “profanity and atheism.” According to school policy, challenged books must go through a school review process, but Burch claimed this did not apply to summer reading lists. The Leon County School Board stood by Burch’s decision, but high school student Jaclyn Weinell wrote an op-ed piece for the Tallahassee newspaper that said the school ban was an attack on free thought and praised the book: “Student readers are encouraged to think—about autism, about family, about atheism, and about science—and see the world through the eyes of a 15-year-old narrator with a rather unique viewpoint.” (Tallahassee [Fla.] Democrat, Aug. 13, 24.)
- In early September, Jackie Sims, the mother of a 15-year-old boy at Knox County (Tenn.) Schools’L&N STEM Academy, had objected to Rebecca Skloot’s The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks when he brought it home as part of his summer reading, calling it “pornographic.” The school fully supported keeping the book, which details the true story of an African-American woman who in 1951 had a sample of her cells taken for research without her knowledge or consent, but Sims seemed determined to challenge the book at the district level. Skloot herself weighed in, saying that Sims had “confused gynecology with pornography” and that her objection was based on a passage that describes Henrietta Lacks’s infidelity and another that discusses her intimate discovery that she had a lump on her cervix. (WBIR-TV, Knoxville, Tenn., Sept. 9.)
- Lee Runyon, principal of West Ashley High School in Charleston, South Carolina, pulled Courtney Summers’s Some Girls Are from a freshmen Honors English summer reading list in late July after aparent complained that the novel’s explicit content describing underage alcohol and drug use, sexual assault, and body image were age-inappropriate. Runyon replaced the book with Laurie Halse Anderson’s Speak on the reading list, but did so without giving the school board a chance to review the challenge. Former YA librarian Kelly Jensen responded by collecting 830 donated copies of Some Girls Are and giving them away to teens in the area, with the help of the Charleston County Public Library. (Charleston Post and Courier, July 28; Book Riot, Sept. 4.)
- In May, A. C. Reynolds High School in Asheville, North Carolina, temporarily suspended the use of Khaled Hosseini’s bestselling The Kite Runner in an Honors English class following a complaint from former school board member and parent Lisa Baldwin, who objected to “homosexuality and sexually explicit scenes.” The book was pulled from classrooms, pending review by two committees that finally recommended keeping it. In September, the Buncombe County School Board added a policy allowing teachers to continue using materials that have been challenged until a final decision is made. (Asheville Citizen-Times, May 4, Sept. 3.)
- After a local Tea Party chapter circulated petitions to have two LGBT-themed books removed from the children’s section of the Hood County Library in Granbury, Texas, religious conservatives spoke at a July 14 meeting of the county commissioners and said their objections to This Day in June and My Princess Boy were based on their Christian faith. In the end, the commissioners agreed with the library board and recommended the books stay in the children’s collection. (The Raw Story, July 15.)
- Tara Shultz, a 20-year-old student at Crafton Hills College in Yucaipa, California, and her parents in June attempted to have the school put a disclaimer on the syllabus of Associate Professor Ryan Bartlett’s English 250 fiction course because four of the graphic novels that he uses as course materials contain “lesbian oral sex, suicide, homosexuality, pedophilia . . . murder, torture.” The novels werePersepolis by Marjane Satrapi, Fun Home by Alison Bechdel, Y: The Last Man Vol. 1 by Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra, and The Sandman Vol. 2: The Doll’s House by Neil Gaiman and various artists. Initially, College President Cheryl Marshall agreed to the disclaimer, but later backpedaled and decided to leave the decision up to individual instructors. (Redlands [Calif.] Daily Facts, June 15;Riverside [Calif.] Press-Enterprise, July 2.)
Two notable instances of book-banning occurred this year in Italy and New Zealand:
- One of the first official acts of the new mayor of Venice, Italy, Luigi Brugnaro, who took office June 15, was to pull nearly 50 children’s books on LGBT topics from libraries in the city’s preschools. Protests immediately erupted from residents, publishers, librarians, and 250 authors, who wrote to the mayor asking to have their own books removed in solidarity with the banned authors. Brugnaro soon reversed course and whittled the titles down to two—Ophélie Texier’s Jean a deux mamans(Jean Has Two Mothers) and Francesca Pardi’s Piccolo uovo (Little Egg), the latter a story about an unhatched egg that encounters multiple types of happy families, including a pair of gay penguins, lesbian rabbits bringing up a family, a single-parent hippo, a mixed-race dog couple, and kangaroos that adopted polar bear cubs. Pardi even wrote to Pope Francis in July about the ban, sending him copies of her books, which, she emphasized, promote the Christian value of tolerance. Then on August 18 English musician Elton John, who owns a house in Venice, criticized the mayor in an Instagram post for politicizing children’s books: “Beautiful Venice is indeed sinking, but not as fast as the boorishly bigoted Brugnaro.” The mayor responded via Twitter, scolding him to stick to the facts and explaining that he was not homophobic, but he wanted to give parents more control over their children’s reading. A scholastic commission has been appointed to examine the books. (New York Times, 18; The Guardian [UK], July 16.)
- A conservative lobbying group, Family First, on September 3 managed to get New Zealand’s Film and Literature Board of Review to place an interim ban on Ted Dawe’s award-winning YA novel Into the River, making it the first book banned in the country in 22 years. The group objected to the book’s explicit language, sexual content, and portrayal of drug use. Any individual, bookstore, library, or school distributing or exhibiting the book is now subject to a stiff fine until the full board makes a ruling. Joanna Mathew, executive director of the Library and Information Association of New Zealand,said she had “read the book, and while there is content in there that is confronting, it doesn’t warrant being banned.” (Auckland New Zealand Herald, 7; The Guardian [UK], Sept. 7.)
The purpose of Banned Books Week is to draw national attention to these efforts to remove or restrict access to books or other materials, even those that some consider unorthodox or dangerous. OIF’s Pekoll summed it up: “The more we talk about these cases and bring the harms of censorship to light, the more courage and endurance librarians will have when they need it the most.”
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WKU Libraries announces winner of 9th Evelyn Thurman Young Readers Book Award
Western Kentucky University Libraries has selected Wildflower, written by Alecia Whitaker, as the winner of the ninth Evelyn Thurman Young Readers Book Award. The national award was created to honor the memory of former WKU librarian Evelyn Thurman, who made significant contributions to children’s librarianship and literacy during her 25 years of service to the university and community. Books eligible for the award must be written or illustrated by a Kentucky author or illustrator or have a significant Kentucky-related connection.
The book is about Sixteen-year-old Bird Barrett being discovered by a country music label while playing in her family’s bluegrass band. As her star rises, she must learn to stay true to her roots while navigating a brand new world of glamour and gold records in Nashville, Tennessee.
“Wildflower is a beautifully written book about following your dreams and staying true to yourself even when the road looks bumpy,” said Renee Hale, selection committee member. “The committee feels this is an important message to convey to our area students.”
Alecia Whitaker grew up on a small farm in Kentucky, worlds away from where she currently resides in fast-paced New York City. With a BFA in theatre and a BA in advertising from the University of Kentucky, Whitaker has always been a writer. She has published numerous essays, the popular one-act play Becoming Woman with a grant from the Kentucky Foundation for Women, and her first novel The Queen of Kentucky prior to writing Wildflower.
The author will be honored at an awards luncheon in November where she will receive a monetary award from Ms. Thurman’s endowment and a commerative plaque. While in the area, Whitaker will visit local schools as part of the Southern Kentucky Book Fest’s “Fall into Books” program. For more information about the Evelyn Thurman award, visit
This program is made possible by the Evelyn Thurman Children’s Author Fund, the Southern Kentucky Book Fest partnership, and WKU Libraries.
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Tyler Fleming, “King Kong: The First South African Musical”
Tyler Fleming, an Assistant Professor of History at the University of Louisville, spoke about “King Kong: The First South African Musical” in our Far Away Places series and as part of the Year of South African celebration on Thursday, September 24 at the Barnes & Noble Bookstore, Bowling Green, KY.
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Jane Olmsted, “Seeking the Other Side”
Jane Olmsted kicked off this season of WKU Libraries’ Kentucky Live! with a presentation of her book of poems Seeking the Other Side. The event took place in the Western Room of the Kentucky Building on WKU Campus on the evening of September 17, 2015. It concluded with Jane Olmsted signing her books.
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1866 Stereoviews of Mammoth Cave
The Department of Library Special Collections at WKU recently acquired a complete set of Charles L. Waldack’s 1866 stereoviews of Mammoth Cave. The collection of 42 stereoviews are magnesium light views about Mammoth Cave, and include scenes of the Hotel, guests, the African American cave guides, and many interior shots of cave formations. Stereoviews, also known as stereoscopic photographs or stereographs, were introduced in the early 19th century for viewing two almost identical images through a stereoscope to offer a 3D illusion.
Originally from Belgium, Waldack came to the United States in 1857, and is the first photographer of the cave. Waldack was noted for bringing “sunlight” to the interior of the cave by the use of magnesium to create images of the cave and the surrounding area. The 42 views of Mammoth Cave were published by E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.
According to the Journal of Speleological History, “These were the first high quality photographs produced underground in any cave.” Waldack had a photography shop at 31West 3rd Street in Cincinnati and made many excellent views between 1857 and 1873. His most significant were his 42 stereoviews of Mammoth Cave. Twelve of his photographs were printed as engravings in the 1870 book A Historical and Descriptive Narrative of the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky by William S. Forwood.
“WKU has long been a premier research institution for speleology and karst studies, and we have a particular interest and emphasis on Mammoth Cave due to its proximity and its long history as a tourist destination,” said Jonathan Jeffrey, Department head for WKU’s Library Special Collections. “The Waldack stereograph collection is a major and unique acquisition for WKU; we are thrilled to make them available to our researchers.”
These stereoviews can be seen by visiting or by viewing it on the KenCat collection at;keyword=waldack;dtype=d
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Elizabethtown Library Faculty Tony Paganelli wins Dean’s Research Award
Dean Connie Foster announced Library Faculty Tony Paganelli as the inaugural research award winner at the faculty kick off meeting Wednesday, August 19 in Helm 100.
The winning research instruction session was designed to provide student interaction utilizing the Interactive Video Service(IVS) system for all four campus locations at WKU. The overall theme of the session was based on the NCAA College Basketball bracket system called March Madness, which the session was titled “Research Madness.” The information provided for the session is based on the WKU Libraries’ Statement of Objectives for Research Instruction.
The research session placed students in groups, which they had the opportunity to name their group or team. Once the teams were named, students were given instruction on specific research and library information. Following each instruction section, students had to complete a given task. The tasks were organized in three rounds: Elite Eight, Final Four, and the Championship. A grading system was created to determine which team won each round. Please note, all teams advanced to each round. The brackets were released at the end of the session to determine the winner.
The session provided the necessary information to aid students in the research process, while allowing them an opportunity to participate in a fun activity. I attached a full detailed abstract of the session, if that helps better describe the instruction. Let me know if you need anything else.
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New faculty orientation fair
Library faculty Jack Montgomery and Scholarly Communication Specialist Todd Seguin talked with new faculty at their orientation fair held in the Augenstein Alumni Center on Monday, August 17, 2015. New faculty were given packets of information about WKU Libraries, Library Faculty Subject Specialists, and how they can participate in TopSCHOLAR and SelectedWorks.
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Go Set a Watchman

Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee
On July 14, 2015 Harper Lee’s much anticipated and controversial novel Go Set a Watchman came out in bookstores. The author of the American classic To Kill a Mockingbird wrote Watchman prior to Mockingbird. The new novel follows Mockingbird’s narrator Jean Louise “Scout” Finch some twenty years later as she returns home to Maycomb, Alabama changed by postwar industrialism and especially tense amid the Civil Rights era. Watchman has stirred considerable controversy as readers speculate the reasons for its publication so late in Lee’s life – 55 years after her first novel – and critics debate the novel’s quality and whether it should be viewed as a manuscript for To Kill a Mockingbird, its sequel, or a separate work in its own right.

To Kill a Mockingbird 1962 movie of Harper Lee’s classic novel
Go Set a Watchman (PS3562 .E353 G6 2015, Leisure Reading Collection) is already the bestselling novel of 2015 and has also prompted a renewed interest in the earlier work To Kill a Mockingbird (PS3562 .E35x T6, Cravens 8th floor) and the movie (VR10708, VPAL). To find out more about the author, see: The Mockingbird Next Door: Life with Harper Lee by Marja Mills (PS3562 .E353 Z75 2014, WKU Leisure Books), Harper Lee: A Twentieth-Century Life by Kerry Madden (PS3562 .E353 Z76 2009, ERC), On Harper Lee: Essays and Reflections by Alice Hall Petry (PS3562 .E353 Z87 2006), and Mockingbird: A Portrait of Harper Lee by Charles J. Shields (PS3562 .E353 Z87 2006).
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