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WKU Libraries’ International Year of South Africa Bibliography

In cooperation with WKU’s “International Year of South Africa, 2015-2016” series, WKU Libraries has compiled a multidisciplinary bibliography with almost 100 resources pertaining to South Africa in fields like: anthropology, art, economics, history, literature, music, political science, sociology, and travel & geography. The bibliography also includes DVDs of popular South African films and documentaries, CDs by South African musicians, and web resources for travelers.

IYO SA Bibliographyimage

Whether you are interested in books like Nobel Prize winner Nadine Gordimer’s last book No Time Like the Present (PR9369.3 .G6 N6 2012 in the Leisure Reading Collection on the 4th floor of Cravens library) or want to visit our Visual and Performing Arts Library on the 2nd floor of Cravens library for music ranging from Die Antwoord to Miriam Makeba, or recent movies District 9 and Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, or are even interested in going to South Africa and want to check out Insight Guides South Africa (REF DT1717 .S68 in the Reference room 1st floor Helm library) or our links to the CIA World Factbook or the U.S. State Department page, this bibliography is a great comprehensive guide to learning about all things South Africa!

You can easily locate information about WKU International Year of South Africa and the bibliography with the links below:

IYO-South Africa for the International Year… page

Bibliography for the IYO South Africa WKU Libraries Bibliography

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WKU Libraries receives national recognition for public relations campaign

ignite_190x240Western  Kentucky University Libraries received the “Award for Excellence” in the Library Public Relations Materials category at the awards banquet for the Academic Library Advancement and Development Network (ALADN) conference held in San Diego on Tuesday, April 21. The ALADN conference brings deans, advancement officers, and library professionals together to discuss current issues and share insights into the challenges of higher education fundraising as well as the importance of enhancing awareness of the resources and expertise found in academic and research libraries. All participating institutions are invited to enter materials into three of the ten categories which promote their institutions and advance their missions.

WKU Libraries’ award-winning materials featured WKU students from LibraryCampaign_Pottery190x240different colleges and disciplines on campus in an effort to highlight the student and his/her major, and bring a general awareness to the libraries. Jennifer Wilson, WKU Libraries Marketing Coordinator and campaign organizer, said the advertising targeted the campus community and displayed the promotion on digital screens across the university, display ads in the College Heights Herald, images on the library website, large 22×30 inch posters in the main campus library Commons area, and through social media.

According to Kathleen Schmand, Director of Development and Communications for the Cline Library at Northern Arizona University and committee member of the awards program, the organizers recruit a cross mix of judges from marketing, development, and communications backgrounds.  This librarycampaigncookingyear the selection committee was comprised of marketing and development professionals from San Diego State University.

“ALADN attendees always provide a wonderful display of materials for the awards and the general marketplace,” said Schmand. “2015 was no exception. Through the marketplace we can share the amazing ideas created to tell the story of how a library contributes to the institution and ultimately the success of its students.”

Other contributors to the award included WKU Libraries Dean Connie Foster, WKU Photographers Clinton Lewis and Bryan Lemon, and WKU Graphic Design Student Patric Peters.

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Cookbooks Authors at Southern Kentucky Book Festival


Southern Kentucky Bookfest panel session on Cookbooks

This year’s Southern Kentucky Bookfest held a morning session featuring cookbooks, in which a panel of five authors briefly discussed their new books and answered questions from the audience at the end. WKU Libraries Department of Library Public Services Head Dr. Brian Coutts moderated the session.


Gaylord Brewer, author of
The Poet’s Guide to Food, Drink & Desire

Gaylord Brewer, an English professor at MTSU and author of nine books of poetry and 800 other poems, spoke about his newest book The Poet’s Guide to Food, Drink & Desire. Inspired by cooking elaborate meals and meeting chefs, his book is filled with great recipes and humorous commentary that leaves readers laughing out loud.


Linda Hawkins, author of
Southern Seasons with Memory Making Recipes

Morgantown, KY native Linda Hawkins has previously taught school, ran a daycare, and served as a crisis counselor for abused women and children and is now an award winning author. Her newest book Southern Seasons with Memory Making Recipes features her favorite recipes and remembrances to show readers how to get families involved in making meals and creating lasting memories.


John van Willigen, author of Kentucky Cookbook Heritage

John Van Willigen, professor emeritus of Anthropology at UK, has authored many books from Anthropology to tobacco culture to his classic Food and Everyday Life on Kentucky Family Farms, 1920-1950. With his new book Kentucky Cookbook Heritage he explores two hundred years of Southern cuisine and culture through a diverse range of topics from Nancy Green, the original Aunt Jemima, to Duncan Hines and charity cookbooks.


Fiona Young-Brown, author of
A Culinary History of Kentucky

Fiona Young-Brown is a native of the United Kingdom, with a BA from the University of Hull, and Iowa transplant with graduate degrees in Women’s Studies and Japanese from the University of Iowa. Now writing local history, she discussed her newest book A Culinary History of Kentucky which includes delicious recipes like Mafia Jam Cake and Jefferson Davis Pie.

Aimee Zaring, author of Flavors From Home

Aimee Zaring, author of Flavors From Home

Aimee Zaring has an MFA in Creative Writing from Spalding and has taught ESL for Kentucky Refugee Ministries, Jefferson County Schools, and Global LT. In her book Flavors From Home she shares stories from Kentucky’s various refugee communities and the recipes of their traditional dishes from steamed dumplings from Bhutan to twice fried green plantains from Cuba. This book is about how food gives refugees comforts from home while expanding cuisine in Kentucky.

Brian Coutts with cookbook authors (left to right) Gaylord Brewer, Linda Hawkins, John van Willigen, Fiona Young-Brown, and Aimee Zaring

Brian Coutts with cookbook authors (left to right) Gaylord Brewer, Linda Hawkins, John van Willigen, Fiona Young-Brown, and Aimee Zaring

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Biographer Kiran Bhatraju awarded the 2015 Kentucky Literary Award

The Southern Kentucky Book Fest partnership announced Kiran Bhatraju as

KLA Revisedsmallerversionthe winner of this year’s Kentucky Literary Award for his book Mud Creek Medicine: the Life of Eula Hall and the Fight for Appalachia. First awarded in 2003 and reintroduced in 2012 after a brief hiatus, the Kentucky Literary Award is given to an author from Kentucky or one whose book has a strong Kentucky theme. Fiction and non-fiction books are recognized in alternating years.

From the publisher’s description: “Mud Creek Medicine chronicles life of an iconoclastic woman with a resolute spirit to help her people. Eula Hall, born into abject poverty in Greasy Creek, Kentucky, found herself, through sheer determination and will, at the center of a century-long struggle to lift up a part of America that is too often forgotten. Through countless interviews and meticulous research, Kiran Bhatraju deftly traces Eula’s life from impoverished hired girl to community activist… Eula’s story shows how one woman could make a difference through a clear-eyed understanding of the nexus between politics, wealth, labor, and disease.”Bhatraju

Bhatraju is a native of eastern Kentucky. His father, an immigrant from India, worked as a physician with Eula Hall at the Mud Creek Clinic and Pikeville Medical Center for two decades, where Kiran first met Eula Hall. Bhatraju began his career working on poverty issues for Congressman John Yarmuth (KY-3) on Capitol Hill where he first began researching Eula’s life. His writings have been featured in various magazines and newspapers including The Courier-Journal of Louisville and the Lexington Herald-Leader. He is currently Founder and CEO of Arcadia Power, a renewable energy company, and he is working on his second book, an oral history of twentieth century immigrant physicians throughout the US. Kiran lives in Washington, D.C. with his wife Sara.

“Heroes are not perfect, even in comic books.  In Mud Creek Medicine, author Kiran Bjatraju portrays Eula Hall as a paradox–the compassionate woman committed to the medical welfare of those in her region of Appalachia but infused with passion, righteous anger and occasionally exhibiting crude behavior.  She finds ways to get things done, regardless of opposition from the establishment, neighbors, and even her own family.  Despite the sometimes trying circumstances of Eula’s life, this well written biography documents a woman who cares, perseveres and triumphs,” said Jonathan Jeffrey, Department Head for Library Special Collections and member of the selection committee for the award.

The award announcement was made at the Knicely Conference Center at the Southern Kentucky Book Fest Meet the Authors Reception on Friday, April 17–the night before the main Book Fest event. Bhatraju was recognized with a commemorative certificate and a monetary gift.

The Southern Kentucky Book Fest partners include Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Warren County Public Library, and the Western Kentucky University Libraries.  The award was made possible with the generous support of Friends of WKU Libraries. For more information about the award go to

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Prof. Haiwang Yuan Will Talk about Tibetan Folktales Thursday


On Thursday, April 16 at Barnes & Noble Bookstore, Prof. Haiwang Yuan from WKU Libraries spoke about his book Tibetan Folktales in the final program in the 2014-2015 season of Far Away Places. Yuan spoke about his 2013 trip to Tibet and the history, food, and culture of the Tibetan people. A book signing followed.


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2015 SOKY Book Fest


More than 150 authors and illustrators are expected to be in attendance for the Southern Kentucky Book Fest weekend of April 17-18, including New York Times bestselling author Diana Gabaldon, well known for her Outlander series.

“We are very pleased with the number and quality of authors and illustrators we will have with us this year,” said Kristie Lowry, Literary Outreach Coordinator for WKU Libraries and Book Fest organizer. “In addition to the headliner, who has a very loyal following, there are many wonderful authors for readers of all ages.”

Book Fest weekend is full of author presentations, panel discussions, and book signings as well as the Kentucky Writers Conference featuring writing workshops on Friday, April 17 presented by several authors who will be at the main Book Fest event on Saturday. Friday also includes Children’s Day with hundreds of school-aged children visiting presentations and getting book signed by favorite and newly discovered authors. A new program this year is a Writers Workshop for Teens geared toward youth in grades 9 through 12. For more information on that or to register, go to and click on Children’s Day.

Jamie Ford, Terry Brooks, and Chloe Neill are a few well-known authors who will be on hand at SOKY Book Fest. Bestselling picture book author Doreen Cronin, known for Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type and Duck for President, will be attending both days along with illustrator Mark Crilley who has his work featured in USA Today, Entertainment Weekly, and CNN Headline News and Comcast on Demand.

SOKY Book Fest is a partnership project of WKU Libraries, Warren County Public Library, and Barnes and Noble Booksellers. For more information, visit the website at or contact Book Fest organizer Kristie Lowry at WKU Libraries at (270) 745-4502.

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Tracing the Unexplored: An Ecuadorian Tapestry

WKU Libraries is one of several sponsors of this two week series of visiting speakers and documentary films. On Tuesday, March 17 at 4 p.m. at GRH 1074 Professor Luz Maria de la Torre, an indigenous activist and scholar from Otavalo, Ecuador  talked about the role of indigenous women in changing ethnic relations in Ecuador.  She’s currently a visiting professor and instructor of Quechua at UCLA.  A reception followed.  She also spoke to classes on campus.

On Wednesday, March 18 in MMTH 166, With My Heart in Yambo, an award winning documentary film directed by Maria Fernandez Restrepo was shown. The film describes how her two brothers were abducted by the police and later murdered more than 25 years ago. The documentary was introduced by Professor Sonia Lenk who had once met the Restrepos at their Quito store prior to the murders.

On Tuesday, March 24 at 4 p.m. at GRH 1074 Xavier Bonilla (aka Bonil), Ecuador’s most famous and controversial political cartoonist, spoke about “Political Humor/Cartoons in an Ecuadorian Context: A Free Press or Censorship.” He does cartoons for numerous periodicals and magazines in Ecuador including El Universo, Ecuador’s largest newspaper. Professor Melissa Stewart provided the translation, which was created by her Spanish Translation class.  A reception followed.  Bonilla also spoke to classes on campus and did media interviews with English and Spanish language press.

On Tuesday, March 31 at 5 p.m.  in MMTH 166, Cesar’s Grill a 2013 documentary film directed by Dario Aguirre was shown. It describes how a vegetarian artist’s son living in Germany gets called back to Ecuador to help his father Cesar with his failing grill restaurant. It was recently nominated as the best documentary film at the Santa Barbara Film Festival.  The director prepared a special video introduction especially for this showing at WKU. Professor Fabian Alvarez served as moderator.  The film opened in Ecuadorian theaters in April and has awards at several film festivals.

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KY’s Nate Northington, First African American Football Player in SEC

First African American Football Player in SEC (3)

WKU Libraries’ Kentucky Live! series hosted Nathaniel Northington, the first African American football player in the Southeastern Conference (SEC), on the evening of Thursday, March 19 at Barnes & Noble bookstore.

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WKU Libraries opened during Winter Storm 2015


In an effort to allow students a study outlet, Cravens Library opened on Thursday, February 19 and Friday, February 20 from 10am-4pm. All classes were cancelled for the week; however, Cravens was open for business. Dean Connie Foster offered the students and staff donuts for breakfast and pizza for lunch while they worked at the Libraries.


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Katie DeCoursey receives first WKU Library Student Assistant Scholarship

DSC_0277Western Kentucky University senior Katherine “Katie” DeCoursey was recognized last week for being selected as the recipient of the inaugural WKU Library Student Assistant Scholarship. From Hopkinsville, Kentucky, DeCoursey has worked for the Libraries for three years and will be graduating in May 2015 with a degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders.

“Katie has embraced a professional demeanor and work ethic from the beginning of her academic career,” said Doug Wiles, library security coordinator and DeCoursey’s supervisor. “She has maintained exemplary academic performance in a rigorous Communication Disorders program (while working) and has engaged in numerous extracurricular and professional engagement activities in her chosen field.”

Her library duties include working as a Circulation Assistant and as a Stacks Management Assistant, has cross-trained for library security functions, and has assisted with complex projects, such as implementing StackMap (digital search software), installing compact shelving, shifting entire floors of main collections, and relocating Circulation Services during a remodeling project.

DeCoursey was hired the second semester of her freshman year, working winter and summer breaks in addition to the regular academic school year. “I am very proud of my job. The Library has supplied an environment that has helped me grow as a student through my college experience,” said DeCoursey.

The scholarship is sponsored through funding from the Friends of WKU Libraries. For more information on the Friends program, go to and click on “Support Us.”

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