We’ve Been Everywhere: presented its first Fall 2015 speaker, In the Footsteps of Fallen Heroes: France at War, by Amanda Hardin.
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In the Footsteps of Fallen Heroes: France at War
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Lyons and Epperson honored for inaugural WKU Libraries Open Access Hall of Fame
Dr. Scott Lyons and Ann Epperson are the inaugural inductees into the WKU Libraries Open Access Hall of Fame. “We want to acknowledge both faculty and students who have enhanced the works in TopSCHOLAR®, the Research and Creative Activity Database of WKU,” said Deana Groves, Department Head of Library Technical Services at WKU. “Dr. Lyons’ and Ann Epperson’s scholarly achievements have drawn thousands of researchers from around the world with downloads through this quality open access platform.”
Dr. Scott Lyons, director of WKU School of Kinesiology, Recreation, & Sport, has exemplified the spirit of Open Access through his founding and editorship of the International Journal of Exercise Science (IJES), which debuted on TopSCHOLAR® in 2007. With over 345,000 downloads, this quarterly journal is dedicated to the dissemination of undergraduate and graduate research in the areas of Exercise Science, Exercise Physiology, Human Performance, Kinesiology, and related disciplines. It benefits not only WKU student researchers by providing a peer-reviewed journal, but is discoverable globally through the TopSCHOLAR® platform. Dr. Lyons completed his Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology from the University of Alabama in 2003 and joined the faculty of WKU in 2004.
Ann Epperson is being honored in the Student Research category for her thesis Internet GIS as a Historic Place-Making Tool for Mammoth Cave National Park. Her advisors were Dr. Katie Algeo, Dr. Jun Yan, Dr. Fred Siewers and Dr. Kevin Cary. This project laid the groundwork for an Internet-delivered Public Participation Geographic Information System to facilitate exploration and discovery of the past communities of the Mammoth Cave Park area. Epperson’s thesis was completed in fulfillment of requirements for a Master of Science degree in Geography and Geology in December 2010. It has been downloaded nearly 15,000 times since it was posted to TopSCHOLAR®.
The inaugural Hall of Fame inductees will be honored at a reception on Thursday, October 22 in Helm Library, Room 100 at 2pm. Everyone is invited to attend. For more information about TopSCHOLAR® go to http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/
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WKU Libraries partners to highlight International Literacy Day
WKU Libraries, the Western Kentucky Reading Council, and the College of Educational and Behavioral Sciences partnered to celebrate International Literacy Day on Thursday, September 17 from 3-4:30pm. WKU students, faculty, and staff gave short stories, legends, myths, and true events of various international perspectives, including Library Professor H
aiwang Yuan and ERC Coordinator and library faculty member Roxanne Spencer. Dr. Margaret Gichuru ended the afternoon talking to a large group of students about South Africa and the literacy efforts being made there.
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WKU Librarians teach genealogy and local sources
On August 22, 2015 at the Cave City Convention Center, Katherine Pennavaria and Sue Lynn McDaniel presented a total of four of the ten sessions aimed assisting genealogists in their research at “Finding Your Family Story: Genealogy Symposium.” In the morning, McDaniel presented Beginning Genealogy 101-Part I and Beginning Genealogy 101-Part II, while that afternoon Pennavaria presented “Dancing with your skeltons” and “What else does the census say?” All four sessions were well attended and received positive feedback from participants.
Library Special Collections also had a table informing the public about one of the best genealogical libraries in the state of Kentucky. Available for pickup were Special Collections rack cards, WKU Libraries: Your Research Partner, McDaniel’s business card, WKU Libraries pens and candy. McDaniel plans to have a table at the upcoming Louisville Genealogical Society’s Annual Seminar on October 17th. Working with the LGS Seminar Chairman 2014 and 2015 Donald C. Howell, McDaniel will plan a Louisville Genealogical Society field trip to Library Special Collections to learn more about unique resources in our collection.
Elizabethtown Library Faculty Tony Paganelli wins Dean’s Research Award
Dean Connie Foster announced Library Faculty Tony Paganelli as the inaugural research award winner at the faculty kick off meeting Wednesday, August 19 in Helm 100.
The winning research instruction session was designed to provide student interaction utilizing the Interactive Video Service(IVS) system for all four campus locations at WKU. The overall theme of the session was based on the NCAA College Basketball bracket system called March Madness, which the session was titled “Research Madness.” The information provided for the session is based on the WKU Libraries’ Statement of Objectives for Research Instruction.
The research session placed students in groups, which they had the opportunity to name their group or team. Once the teams were named, students were given instruction on specific research and library information. Following each instruction section, students had to complete a given task. The tasks were organized in three rounds: Elite Eight, Final Four, and the Championship. A grading system was created to determine which team won each round. Please note, all teams advanced to each round. The brackets were released at the end of the session to determine the winner.
The session provided the necessary information to aid students in the research process, while allowing them an opportunity to participate in a fun activity. I attached a full detailed abstract of the session, if that helps better describe the instruction. Let me know if you need anything else.
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New faculty orientation fair
Library faculty Jack Montgomery and Scholarly Communication Specialist Todd Seguin talked with new faculty at their orientation fair held in the Augenstein Alumni Center on Monday, August 17, 2015. New faculty were given packets of information about WKU Libraries, Library Faculty Subject Specialists, and how they can participate in TopSCHOLAR and SelectedWorks.
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Friends of Peggy
Gathered together to celebrate her 90th Birthday at Federal Grove in Auburn, Kentucky and reflect on her long career at WKU. Nancy Baird described her “travels with Peggy” in Europe and Russia while Helen Crocker spoke of the friendship established among their group of former history professors from 1978 (Nancy Baird, Helen Crocker, Carol Crowe-Carraco, and Peggy plus Sally Ann Strickler, former Department Head of Library Public Services) which has lasted almost four decades, with gatherings to celebrate each of their birthdays every year. Elaine Moore, former Coordinator of Electronic Resources, now retired in Arizona, sent along greetings, pictures and stories from their trips to the International Reading Association in Norway and Sweden. Father Andy Garner of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church described Peggy’s many contributions to the church including her counseling of death row inmates at Eddyville and her work with the Detention Center in Bowling Green. Brian Coutts shared a story of their ill-fated trip to the Toledo District of Belize in 1993 and the “curse of the crystal skull” of Lubaantun.

(From left to right) Sally Ann Strickler (Former Head, Dept. of Library Public Services), Father Andy Garner, Helen Crocker, Peggy Wright, and Nancy Baird
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Southern Kentucky Book Fest delivers record numbers
With record numbers in sales, enthusiasts came in masses to hear, meet, and buy books from their favorite authors and illustrators at the Southern Kentucky Book Fest held April 18 at the Knicely Conference Center. Bestselling author Diana Gabaldon, known for her popular Outlander series, filled a room with more than 500 fans, some who waited for hours at the entrance, eager to get seats close to the author. Other well-known authors such as Jamie Ford, Terry Brooks, Mary McDonough, and Doreen Cronin brought in their own fan clubs.
“Book Fest was a tremendous success,” said Kristie Lowry, SOKY Book Fest organizer. “We are getting such positive remarks on social media, in-person, and through surveys given to participants.”
More than 1,200 attended the Friday prior to the main Book Fest event for Children’s Day and the Kentucky Writers Conference. According to Lowry, a new writing workshop for teens was also well attended. “We wanted to offer something specifically for those in grades 9-12 and the response was terrific. We definitely would like to continue this program next year.”
Bowling Green resident Crystal Bowling has attended the Writers Conference more than once. “I enjoy attending for the discussions and ideas, not only for the authors presenting, but for the writers in the audience. It’s a wonderful event with a sense of community,” said Bowling.
Noted as one of the largest book festivals in the state, SOKY Book Fest has been named by the Kentucky Travel Industry Association (KTIA) to the Top 10 Festivals & Events for Spring for the third consecutive year.
In addition to sales from the event, Book Fest is funded with grants and donations by companies and individuals. Corporate donors included: Platinum Level – Dollar General; Gold Level – Daily News, Jim Johnson; Silver Level – WKU Conferencing & Catering, West Sixth Brewing, WKU PBS; Bronze Level – Fruit of the Loom, Meijer, Smuckers; Patron Level – Bell Orr Ayers & Moore, WKU Department of English, Logan Aluminum and Bowling Green Convention & Visitors Bureau.
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Best Reference Sources of 2014
Brian Coutts gave his annual workshop on the “Best Reference Sources of the Year” an annual selection he makes for Library Journal, the nation’s oldest and leading trade journal. The article appears in the March 1, 2015 issue in both print and online. This year’s list included 33 titles from 20 different publishers’ including 12 university presses. This is the 29th consecutive year Brian has been involved with this project either as a consultant, coauthor or author. A reception followed with strawberry cake from Cocomo’s and Balinese coffee imported by Spencer’s.

WKU Libraries faculty and staff were invited to attend.
Laura Delancey skims one of the Best Reference volumes as John Gottfriend listens to the presentation.
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Biographer Kiran Bhatraju awarded the 2015 Kentucky Literary Award
The Southern Kentucky Book Fest partnership announced Kiran Bhatraju as
the winner of this year’s Kentucky Literary Award for his book Mud Creek Medicine: the Life of Eula Hall and the Fight for Appalachia. First awarded in 2003 and reintroduced in 2012 after a brief hiatus, the Kentucky Literary Award is given to an author from Kentucky or one whose book has a strong Kentucky theme. Fiction and non-fiction books are recognized in alternating years.
From the publisher’s description: “Mud Creek Medicine chronicles life of an iconoclastic woman with a resolute spirit to help her people. Eula Hall, born into abject poverty in Greasy Creek, Kentucky, found herself, through sheer determination and will, at the center of a century-long struggle to lift up a part of America that is too often forgotten. Through countless interviews and meticulous research, Kiran Bhatraju deftly traces Eula’s life from impoverished hired girl to community activist… Eula’s story shows how one woman could make a difference through a clear-eyed understanding of the nexus between politics, wealth, labor, and disease.”
Bhatraju is a native of eastern Kentucky. His father, an immigrant from India, worked as a physician with Eula Hall at the Mud Creek Clinic and Pikeville Medical Center for two decades, where Kiran first met Eula Hall. Bhatraju began his career working on poverty issues for Congressman John Yarmuth (KY-3) on Capitol Hill where he first began researching Eula’s life. His writings have been featured in various magazines and newspapers including The Courier-Journal of Louisville and the Lexington Herald-Leader. He is currently Founder and CEO of Arcadia Power, a renewable energy company, and he is working on his second book, an oral history of twentieth century immigrant physicians throughout the US. Kiran lives in Washington, D.C. with his wife Sara.
“Heroes are not perfect, even in comic books. In Mud Creek Medicine, author Kiran Bjatraju portrays Eula Hall as a paradox–the compassionate woman committed to the medical welfare of those in her region of Appalachia but infused with passion, righteous anger and occasionally exhibiting crude behavior. She finds ways to get things done, regardless of opposition from the establishment, neighbors, and even her own family. Despite the sometimes trying circumstances of Eula’s life, this well written biography documents a woman who cares, perseveres and triumphs,” said Jonathan Jeffrey, Department Head for Library Special Collections and member of the selection committee for the award.
The award announcement was made at the Knicely Conference Center at the Southern Kentucky Book Fest Meet the Authors Reception on Friday, April 17–the night before the main Book Fest event. Bhatraju was recognized with a commemorative certificate and a monetary gift.
The Southern Kentucky Book Fest partners include Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Warren County Public Library, and the Western Kentucky University Libraries. The award was made possible with the generous support of Friends of WKU Libraries. For more information about the award go to sokybookfest.org.
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